Scottish fuel duty protests!

Graham it would be better if the Saab was a manual, I’ve got an auto n the turbo needs setup cause I should easily get 35mpg from it, 40mpg on a run

yeah should be running more than 20 odd mpg :slight_smile:



sammy dog:
nobody was running away the goverment just changed the law and threatened o licenses as they do .

I don’t need an o-licence to drive a car.

why are you commenting on a truck forum about issues that hinder us hauliers when you drive a car then,…what did you do in 2000 to help anything change■■?

I need a car to get to work, therefore it affects me aswell.
Hauliers can up there prices, I get paid the same whatever the cost of fuel so the more it goes up the less money I have in my pocket at the end of the week.
I know that protests in any shape or form are not going to work so I save that extra bit of fuel instead of wasting it on driving to a protest.
The protests in 2000 changed nothing, there were 500,000 people in London the other week protesting about job cuts, the day after the goverment said nothing is going to change and the cuts will continue. :unamused:
If you cant factor in the price of fuel into a job you shouldnt be running a business, simple as


Graham it would be better if the Saab was a manual, I’ve got an auto n the turbo needs setup cause I should easily get 35mpg from it, 40mpg on a run

yeah should be running more than 20 odd mpg :slight_smile:

Yea it got a new turbo a while ago I just ain’t seen the point in sorting it since the cars not worth alot and I’m getting rid of it soon for a better tow car

my little 125cc does 120mpg lol


im not finidng it too bad for petrol actually, i dont get why some folk moan. i get 27mpg if i take my time and round about 20mpg when i drive quickly.

im paying roungly £1.28 a litre

my track car gets about 4mpg, about £100 quid of fuel every trackday i do,

anyway your protest is gonna fail tbh.

bloody hell gogz what kind of car have you got, and i thought the kwak was bad at 32 mpg, (and that is steady) ride it to ts potential and its in your mpg :laughing:

Bloody 'ell mate, my RF900 does nearly 50mpg steady and 35-40 when I’m riding it erm properly :wink:

The government is made up of men. As men we are stubborn. Therefore they need to be pressured. One protest won’t do it but constant protesting would. They aren’t putting snipers on the roofs to shoot protesters so there’s no reason not to go back again.

Id rather do something and fail than not even bother. Its sad that so many people have so little confidence in themselves, if enough people protest then it will make a difference. If the protests that have happened this year had not happened then you can be sure that fuel would already be at least a few pence more than it is just now so why stop there? Its the people who say “This is pointless” and “Youre going to fail” that actually stop protests from working, if you got off your arse and did something along with the rest of us it might just make that bit of difference but as long as we have that attitude of failure before even trying then we will continue to be pummelled at the petrol pumps and taxed to death on our wages.

The first protest was just two of us, this one will be more, the next even more. Im not expecting them to say “those 6 guys are protesting, we better lower prices” These protests are only about raising awareness, getting people to stand up for themselves because nobody is happy being treated like dirt by the government and if you are happy about the price of fuel then youre either an MP or a fool. When enough awareness has been raised and enough people are saying “yeah i want to do something about this” then a UK wide day of action will be organised to hit every single part of the UK at the same time. I am in contact with groups up and down the country and that is what we are moving towards. Its happening whether you think it will work or not and to not get involved is madness. :smiley:

Hopefully see some of you on Friday, even if you are just passing through, give us a honk!!! We’ll be at Gate 1 :slight_smile:


All the best to you, if they do cut the duty they will have to put it on something else, the days of cheap/er fuel are gone. The country is skint, so they will keep on screwing us.

All the best to you, if they do cut the duty they will have to put it on something else, the days of cheap/er fuel are gone. The country is skint, so they will keep on screwing us.

I know what you mean, they could start by not sending pakistan £650 million and stop spending money on wars we shouldnt be involved in… Thatd save a pretty penny I dare say… :slight_smile: