Scania have disappeared up their own bunghole

how about a usable feature such as unlocking the doors when the ■■■■ thing has locked itself again when you are parked 50 miles from the nearest town and went out in your underwear at 3am to take a ■■■■? :laughing:

We have the the new Actros, it’s an entry level vehicle which has everything and more than the watch on the dash, I suspect all other manufacturers have the same thing??

Do they still have candles for headlights and park benches for seats.

Mercedes with the new Actros & Volvo have left Scania for dust in my opinion. Problem is Scania are so far up their own arse, they don’t seem to realise that most drivers these days don’t particularly rate their motors.

What happens when you crash because you were looking & fiddling with it , does call 999

It’s like something out of a James Bond movie. “I think I’ll just check my fuel consumption”!

Oooooh, makes me wanna go back driving. :unamused:

I found myself agreeing with BKing on this one. :open_mouth: :astonished:

It’s like something out of a James Bond movie. “I think I’ll just check my fuel consumption”!

At least do it in the right accent…

“I think I’ll jusht check my fuel conshumption:laughing:

What I love to do then is to present the fact that scania net sales for the first 9 months rose eith 7% compared to Daf, MAN, Merceses that all had to lai of people the last month’s due to big drop in sales.They have to do something right those Swedes. And to be honest the R series cab is just about as god as it gets. Or as one Volvo driver put it. They got it 100% when the 4 series was released and when they finally got rid of that stupid bed over your hed it was perfect.
Mb almost got it with the new Actros but at least I hate to rebuild a truck before I can use the bed and by that point I lost the point of the U-sofa.
Let’s hope there new 6cyl works. There old v6 engines lasted about 300 000km over here with 60t. After that it was time for new engine because usually it was a piston or something like that how decided it didn’t want to be an mb engine anymore and escaped through the block

On the watch, yes it’s stupid but so are all smart watches. I really fail to se the point of them


It’s like something out of a James Bond movie. “I think I’ll just check my fuel consumption”!

At least do it in the right accent…

“I think I’ll jusht check my fuel conshumption:laughing:

“With unlimited internet I can look at ■■■■■ Galore.”

Good to see the resident Scania Volunteer PR man made an appearance.

I hate to rebuild a truck before I can use the bed and by that point I lost the point of the U-sofa.

That’s funny coming from an R Series fan!

I do love how personally Scania fans take any criticism of their beloved truck co. It’s just another truck

Good to see the resident Scania Volunteer PR man made an appearance.

I hate to rebuild a truck before I can use the bed and by that point I lost the point of the U-sofa.

That’s funny coming from an R Series fan!

Exactly what I was thinking, my biggest hate of the R series was the fact that you had to slide the seats forward, pull out the flimsy plastic trays and then put the silly cushion bits in place just to make up the complete bunk, but then again I suppose Scania fanboys are prepared to put up with this annoyance coz well “its a Scarniar innit” :unamused:

The Volvo Office pack was worth the potch considering the benefit of having the bed transform into a table and seats, what benefit other than crap design and implementation (shoehorning springs to mind) does the stupid Scania bunk offer?

Well look at it this way… We have a vision of the future…this is the watch you will be buying in the year 2035. Well, if it’s designed by Scania it wont change in design for at least 20 years from now, if anything it will get worse ! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well look at it this way… We have a vision of the future…this is the watch you will be buying in the year 2035. Well, if it’s designed by Scania it wont change in design for at least 20 years from now, if anything it will get worse ! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Very well said.