There is a big reserve in scanias. At the start of the red you’ve at least 200 litres left I’d say.
Sure they are bigger than that. It’s. Ex Stobarts if that helps! Will get my torch out and have a look!I can tell you now matey one of those fuel tanks on the R440 6x2 is not 300lt. I’d say they were about 150lt. The Scania G400 (one fuel tank) is 300lt and that’s way bigger than a single one of those. I think it’s like that as the midlift takes up space where the 300lt tank would be on the 4x2 unit.
(The four wheelers at work have got 400 ltr tanks, check the top of the next one you fill up )
After some advice. Now driving a 57 reg Scania R420 6x2 unit with twin tanks.
Has it got Adblue? We’ve (Widnes Stobart) just got an R420 in our depot, and it has Adblue. If its the same as the 13 plates we had for a little while, its got a 300 ltr on the Nearside and a 175 ltr and the adblu tank on the offside.
Have you got the anti syphoning mesh in the top of the filler neck?
Are you filling it up the right way around? You’re meant to fill one tank then the other. Not sure why, think it’s something to do with the way the tanks are linked?
Also, one of our drivers said he used to turn the nearside tank off somehow and just run from the offside tank, just filling it every morning? Apparently the trampers with Scanias fill theirs up roughly every other day, so it does sound like you’ve got something up there.
Might just be a pessimistic fuel gauge. I filled an R440 with twin 300ltr tanks up on Sunday. Fuel gauge was dead on half, but I only manged to squeeze abut 260 ltrs in in total.
Lots of suggestions there but not the most obvious one.
Did you have your meal break near a travellers camp?
Just a quick thought/warning-
I used to drive a 320 8 wheel Scania Rollon/off with (I seem to remember) a 250 ltr tank. It was showing a quarter on the gauge one day & I ran out 40 miles from base !!!
Moral is ‘Never trust a Scania fuel Gauge’.
Dipped the tanks this morning as the gauge was showing empty. N/S tank had about a quarter left and the O/S tank was over half full! Looks like it’s not siphoning across properly and the gauge is not very accurate either! Will have to carry a manual gauge (long stick) for my piece of mind! Getting the workshop to blow it through later. Thanks for all the suggestions
If that’s the case, have you stuck your head under and checked the tap?
Psssst!(The four wheelers at work have got 400 ltr tanks, check the top of the next one you fill up )
I was going off the assumption that one time the gauge was just below half and I put about 160-170ltrs in. That’ll teach me to assume!
Dipped the tanks this morning as the gauge was showing empty. N/S tank had about a quarter left and the O/S tank was over half full! Looks like it’s not siphoning across properly and the gauge is not very accurate either! Will have to carry a manual gauge (long stick) for my piece of mind! Getting the workshop to blow it through later. Thanks for all the suggestions
Perhaps the float/sender unit is damaged . . . due to somebody shoving long sticks into the tank
200 lts
200 lts
Big ■■■■:
200 lts300 lts
300+ lts
Don’t know how it’s done UK but here quite many plug the air hose on the main tank so that it will empty the second tank completely before it starts draining the main tank. That way you get most fuel out of the tanks but it won’t of course show on the gauge before it has started to drain the main tank.
Definitely two 300lt tanks and yes the taps are on! Workshop pressurized the tank and it seems to be working now.
Definitely two 300lt tanks and yes the taps are on! Workshop pressurized the tank and it seems to be working now.
Did you fill the wrong tank first ?
My 57 plate r series is fitted with 300ltr tanks, had her right down into the red only managed to get 440ltrs in her, 220 in each tank, anybody care to explain ? The pics on the previous page state my tanks are 300ltrs too