Are those Davie Malcolm ones for sale?
Are those Davie Malcolm ones for sale?
That’s exactly what I first thoughts But it looks like they’ve got some of Davie’s odd looking trailers on too.
Are those Davie Malcolm ones for sale?
This is a shot from an hour ago. As you see one of the Malcolm trucks is in line with the others that are for sale.
Are those Davie Malcolm ones for sale?That’s exactly what I first thoughts
But it looks like they’ve got some of Davie’s odd looking trailers on too.
he could be selling the trailers too I know he has sold some units there before and he has downsized. He’s not running many at the moment. It would be a shame if he is selling them
Are those Davie Malcolm ones for sale?That’s exactly what I first thoughts
But it looks like they’ve got some of Davie’s odd looking trailers on too.
he could be selling the trailers too I know he has sold some units there before and he has downsized. He’s not running many at the moment. It would be a shame if he is selling them
Someone will get a good deal then, those trailers look to be worth a bob or two on their own!
Was past Moodys today and there are two Davie Malcolm Scania`s and trailer there.
Armistead one looks very nice.
Tippping in Manchester 2001/2ish
see this other day pulling intro ulcuby still looks a tidy motor
psv8, The last bloke to own this motor had it stolen. (It still had the stripes on it then) The company i drove it for had it new, bought especially for me, it was the only 4x2 and the only left ■■■■■■ they had. There are 1 or 2 more motors with these stripes down the side of them, it would have been one of those you saw.
Armistead one looks very nice.
I agree.Less is more.