Scania 111's

That picture is of a Pat Duffy motor and the man up the ladder was John Shaw aka “The M4 fitter” both RIP pulling a Southern Transport trailer on traction all from Southampton, STS now no longer, Buzzer.


Buzzer I must say I luv my 141 but I really like the sound of the 111s I must be a 141 nut I just got a big tatoo of my 141 on my back my wife went absolutely nuts sad ■■■■■■■ at 64 but I luv um regards rowley




Some 110’s

SoM had 4 Scania 110’s,looked the part in their colors,shame I can’t find any photos I can download.

Here’s two of them:
I wonder if the later one was bought in response to the 44 ton proposals, that the Gov were looking at in 1970? I thought those proposals called for a double drive tractor, so I can’t explain why it is a 6x2. SoM historians may be able to shed more light on it.

Talking about sheds, that Hipwood and Grundy motor has a rather rough-looking sleeper conversion. :laughing:

Many thanks anorak,just the ticket.

I do know that SoM were very active in the transporting of Caterpillar earth movers from Glasgow area,perhaps the double drive was purchased with this in mind,they had a couple of Guy double drives with 220 ■■■■■■■ in them too.


Well David I had another think and I will hold my hand up it was a shot of an SoM Big J double drive with “Heavy Haulage” across the bumper and not a Double Drive 110 ! so the Big J would be one and the same that you have quoted ! my apologies ! Cheers Dennis




Some 110’s

SoM had 4 Scania 110’s,looked the part in their colors,shame I can’t find any photos I can download.

Here’s two of them:

I wonder if the later one was bought in response to the 44 ton proposals, that the Gov were looking at in 1970? I thought those proposals called for a double drive tractor, so I can’t explain why it is a 6x2. SoM historians may be able to shed more light on it.

Talking about sheds, that Hipwood and Grundy motor has a rather rough-looking sleeper conversion. :laughing:

In an old thread/post on TN there is a shot of an SoM Scania coupled to one of their Highway trailers and I’m sure it is a double drive bogie plus it is lettered “HEAVY HAULAGE” across the front bumper. Cheers Bewick.

Just for you Dennis!


You are a Gent and a Scholar David ! unfortunately there are not many of us left apart for the few that are still operating on this TN site ! :wink: Anyway thanks for putting the shot on Mate ! Cheers Dennis.

You are a Gent and a Scholar David ! unfortunately there are not many of us left apart for the few that are still operating on this TN site ! :wink: Anyway thanks for putting the shot on Mate ! Cheers Dennis.

No probs Dennis,looking at the gent in the passenger seat,I think that might have been James Smith.


Scania 111

You are a Gent and a Scholar David ! unfortunately there are not many of us left apart for the few that are still operating on this TN site ! :wink: Anyway thanks for putting the shot on Mate ! Cheers Dennis.

…and as if by magic Dennis!


This was the only Scania J L Townson of Oldham & Heysham ran until Sadlers took them over.

J L TOWNSON 16 UVM112S.jpg









Some more

If anyone has any photos of Graham commercials scania wagons as I am trying to find some old ones for my Granda thank you in advance

Ken has sent some 111 pics Dennis Thanks Paul