SAMT was an Eaton twin-splitter that was electronically activated.
That sounds correct (my memory is shot) but I’m sure there was some Renault involvement with the SAMT thing.
Renaults abortion was called TBV, Telecommande Boite de Vitesse. I had one in a K reg Magnum. Awful lorry and worse gearbox 
To be fair it never missed a gear but given the time it took to change em … 
Yeah and Scanias CAG (Computer Aided Gearshift, or maybe something in Swedish ) was just as bad.
The Volvo Geartronic was the best of the bunch and coincidentally went onto become I Shift, which is still the best AMT out there.
Eaton’s foray into AMT wasn’t so successful, they still have them in North America and in my experience the previous generation models were shocking, they hadn’t progressed beyond the woefully inadequate SAMT.
They have a new version now that has been developed with the Paacar MX and ■■■■■■■ ISX engineers to ensure more communication between engine and transmission, but they’ll never match the silkiness of the vertically integrated boxes from Volvo or Daimler (MB over there, Freightliner here)
As Jones of Bromborough had quite a lot of the SAMT on trial in the ERF and Sudden Accidents I think.
My first EPS Merc must have been around 1986/7 when I later did a couple of trips for Gary Beale from Newark. I am sure it was on a D plate