I’d imagine Saviems seen enough SAVIEM’s, but here’s a few more that we can be enlightened about…PLEASE.
Evening all, well gb1, Im in after a very long day, in this monsoonal rain, (the fields re like blotting paper), a shower, and my teas waiting, so I will try to be brief! Firstly, congratulations, where on earth did you acquire such old Saviem data?? Anyway to answer your question, first we have to have a little history lesson!
Saviem was formed December 1955, by amalgamating Somua, Latil, Floriat, , and Renaults truck interests. First PDG, Pierre Lemaigre, at the Government offices at 41 Ave Foche Paris. BUT, no assembly plant! Somua, (and the bus builder Floriat), at Saint Ouen, Seine, later Saint Denis Seine, Latil, (formerly tied as a subsidiary of Forges et Etaliers du creusot Schneider, (Le Havre) a subsidery of Group Schnieder, (rochet Schenider)., whose offices and production facility were at Quai Gallieni Suresnes Seine, and to become the administrative offices of Saviem. B…y cold, and confusing offices overlooking the Seine, (at least my “cubby hole” was)!! Renaults facility at Billancourt, Paris.
1957, the former shipyard at Blainville, (between the river Orne, and the canal, north of Caen, south of Ouisterham, and the famous “Pegasus Bridge” was designated as the new production facility for Saviem vehicles. Bringing new employment to a “deprived” area, (shades of Bathgate for British Leyland).
1957, the first “real” Saviem, the Saviem LRS (Renault, Latil, Somua), Faineant, (lazy, because the engine was inclined beneath the chassis), produced at Blainville. But a steel pressed cab, first ever in France, (very ugly though)!!
1959, the JL Series of tractors and rigids fitted with the 830 series injection moulded cab, (based on the Somua design), and “Lensman”, 4&6 cylinder engines (4.6/6.8 litre) produced at the former armament works at Limoges.
All “early” Saviems, irrespective of their parentage were badged as Saviem, LRS, (Latil, Renault, Somua), No member company having the majority shareholding. 1959 the “Regie” Renault,(state control), took over ownership of the brand Saviem. (gb1s photo Saviem LRS, 19,26,35tonnes refers).
1961, a 25 year deal signed with Henschel, moteurs for Saviem, mainly the 204cv 520D6T direct injection, light vehicles to be marketed in Germany as Henschel, (gb1s picture of the Saviem -Henschel refers), Deal did not work out, broken by Saviem when Henschel absorbed by the holding company, (Rhienstadt)■■ of Hanomag, 1962. Then absorbed by Mercedes Benz.
1963 Saviem- MAN collaboration signed, (20 years),resulted in the JM Series,9.66litre HM3F2146 200cv, 5sp O`drive, 2 speed axle, air brake, mechanical parking, 35tonne GTW. 830 series injection moulded cab,(your photos JM, (MAN) refer), (note the first use of "SAVIEM Blue paint). As the “heavy” Saviem tractor .
1967 saw total collaboration between Saviem and MAN, and the introduction of the ultra modern “square” cab, whose ratio of internal useable volume, verses overall external volume, has to this day in 2012, never been equalled. Some achievement!! (gb1s photos,SMs 200T&240T refer.
I have not touched on the absorbtion of the Renault "Galion " range later to become the SG , or the use of Latils 4x4, &6x6 designs, and subsequent sale to Soc Brimont of the timber tractor designs. I just remember from personal experience how “loyal” the former Somua, and Latil Dealers were to their previous marques, even as Saviem Dealers, and I have to say what beautiful lorries those Somua designed JL Saviems were to drive!! Im away for my tea, the arthritus is biting, Ill take solace in the Bollinger, and b… the Doctor! Bon chance mes amis, Cheerio for now.