Salary/ night out/ food allowancy ect

some of our trls are still on springs and dont have abs as there that old. (heavy empty aswell) my unit has abs so its just some of the trls that dont. :smiley:

I dont no how he works bonus out coz we get a % of every £2000 the unit earns ect

I rather think it might actually be a percentage of everything over £2,000 the truck earns in a week.

If I didn’t know how my employer’s bonus scheme worked I would certainly be asking and then checking its paid correctly.

… and £19 n/o allowance is pants. IIRC Stobart drivers get 10 times your meal allowance!





You must have ABS on your truck it’s the law

:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
what if the truck or trailer were made before ABS were invented then,
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
its like cars which are old enough to not require seatbelts
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
it is better to keep quiet and say nothing and be considered an idiot
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:
than speak out and remove all doubt
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Check your books, even the CPC book tells you that,all came in the last two or three years Guv.

stop talking bollox idiot

mind you dont get banned Mr idiot, must be said when you cant talk in a english, sad person.
Might have got my dates wrong.
Since 1st April 2013, all semi-trailers operating as part of a combination of vehicles with a gross weight in excess of 40 tonnes must meet the requirements of an ‘appropriate semi-trailer’. This means that they (whether new or existing and irrespective of the number of axles fitted) must have anti-lock braking systems (ABS), a road friendly or equivalent suspension system and be fitted with an authorisation plate (i.e. a national weights & dimensions plate).

Have you got a link to this new legislation ■■?

I’m always wary of laws that are claimed to come into effect from 1st April…

Oh - and it would appear Nightline is quoting recent changes in Irish law - all of the phrases he uses (e.g. “Appropriate trailer” etc) as well as the 40 tonne gross weight and 1st April starting date are lifted direct from … ne_FAQ.pdf

… and £19 n/o allowance is pants

It is but he has had a £1 per night increase since yesterday :unamused: It started at £18 night out, now up to £19 :question: :question: :question:

IIRC Stobart drivers get 10 times your meal allowance!

And some. Must be a typo’, surely it can’t be £1 a day, maybe £10?

It is but he has had a £1 per night increase since yesterday :unamused: It started at £18 night out, now up to £19 :question: :question: :question:

£18 n/o + £1 meal = £19 :wink:

Not to be as picky as other posters but surely 10 times his night out would be £190 lol,

(the above comment was ment as a joke and should only be taken as such)

I get £20 night out and I believe the max for tax free night out money is £30.

I know that Turners Powder drivers are on a productivity bonus or something like that, went for an interview with them back last year< cant quite remember how it was figured out. All companies are different some pay flat rates on the hour, some have hourly with an increase after x ammount of hours, some are paid per shift and I think some are even paid per KM or Load.

Best thing to do is go and have a chat with the person who deals with the pay, or it should be in your terms and conditions of employment.

Its £18 a night out and £1 meal allowance =19 but he pays in a on of payment of 19 on time sheet

AH excuse me whilst I remove my size 11 from my mouth lol, I am going to blame hayfever for reducing my vison lol

I dont get a meal allowance where I am now but my last job was paying £3 iirc

ISTR there was a thread on here not long back stating that the maximum tax-free allowance for sleeping in the cab had been increased to £26.20; if not in the cab it was £34.

Can’t be arsed to search for the exact thread.

The max. tax free allowance can vary depending on which part of the country the employer is based.

European tax free n/o allowance is higher than uk.

The max. tax free allowance can vary depending on which part of the country the employer is based.

European tax free n/o allowance is higher than uk.

Another one just plucked out of thin air !!!
Here’s your allowances*…
*Note…allowances are exactly that, a maximum allowance. There is nothing to prevent you being reimbursed less than this amount by your employer. Also you can claim more if needed.

Driveroneuk maybe you mean the amount paid varys depending on which part of the country you’re in ? I’ve no idea why a European night out rate would be higher and neither has HMRC !!

Lump it till you can get something better. Least he might have a few quid in the bank to actually pay your meagre wage as he’s not spunking it on new kit!


The max. tax free allowance can vary depending on which part of the country the employer is based.

European tax free n/o allowance is higher than uk.

Another one just plucked out of thin air !!!
Here’s your allowances*…
*Note…allowances are exactly that, a maximum allowance. There is nothing to prevent you being reimbursed less than this amount by your employer. Also you can claim more if needed.

Driveroneuk maybe you mean the amount paid varys depending on which part of the country you’re in ? I’ve no idea why a European night out rate would be higher and neither has HMRC !!

Well that’s how it used to be Mike not many years back. It seems now there is a nationally agreed rate, of which sleeper cab users are entitled to 75% however there is still provision for local agreements. Maybe you missed this in the link you provided;

The mere fact that a lorry has a sleeper cab does not prevent the employer paying an amount tax free up to the limit shown in EIM66110 (or locally agreed limits)

This refers to location of the employer, not where the driver lives or spends the night.

Overseas Travel
The amounts shown above relate to allowance for nights away from home and base in the UK. They may not be appropriate for overnight subsistence on continental journeys, where costs can and do vary from country to country. Companies that have drivers travelling regularly to Europe, and beyond, may agree higher daily rates by providing their HMRC office with evidence of higher and other costs eg costs of currency conversion and fluctuation; additional costs may include 2 or more showers per day (especially in Mediterranean areas in summer), bottled water, parking in secure areas (particularly taking account risk assessment and the need to protect the vehicle, load and driver - these areas tend not to provide the cheapest local food). Again, formal dispensation should be agreed before higher amounts are paid.

Source: 3rd result entitled RHA Guide here; … 24&bih=605

(I can’t seem to lift a direct link because its a pdf).

Edit: and further, from the same doc.

Incidental overnight expenses
Incidental overnight expenses", up to the value of £5 per day if in the UK, or £10 per day outside the UK, can be paid tax free in addition to subsistence and a meal allowance