Safe places to park liverpool (speke)

I don’t like it when people call the Irish paddy or thick but you can’t get to irate about it (unless it’s to your face of course).

In that vein, I tried to resist the urge to post this but failed, feel free to add some father Ted videos.

Perhaps it is me doing my fellow Liverpudlians a disservice. Next time you are in Liverpool, make a joke about it, and you may have evrybody in hysterics. I can tell you that if it happens to be me you are calling a thief, then you may not get the response you were expecting.

Aright aright calm down calm down


When l worked for Robert Armstrong Tankers, a Liverpool company, we were not allowed to park up in Liverpool at night…had to stay out at Warrington … :unamused:

Have parked up in liverpool millions of times with the truck and never had a problem even though most of the time I do not stay with them, however I have hac buggys robbed in coventry. My mate had diesel robbed in peterborough and another friend was gassed in france last week and robbed. Just posting for balance.

I have always parked my cars in Liverpool and never had a problem…hang on I live there :open_mouth:

To be honest all the thieving stories stemmed from the dockers and my dad and his dad and most of their brothers where all dockers, I can vouch for the stories of skulduggery and thieving :laughing:
Me and my brother where always dressed odd as we had the new fashioned clothes months before they where in the shops, via the docks and I always remember my dad de-cantering bags of rum acquired :wink: from burst barrels into bottles in the kitchen to sell at the ale house :laughing:

I once parked up for the night in Liverpool and was just going to the pub and a young Scouser came up and said, “mind your truck drive?” I said, “No you can’t and there’s a Rottweiler in the cab!” , “Oh” he said, “Put fires out can it?!” :open_mouth: :wink: :grimacing:

I have always parked my cars in Liverpool and never had a problem…hang on I live there :open_mouth:

To be honest all the thieving stories stemmed from the dockers and my dad and his dad and most of their brothers where all dockers, I can vouch for the stories of skulduggery and thieving :laughing:
Me and my brother where always dressed odd as we had the new fashioned clothes months before they where in the shops, via the docks and I always remember my dad de-cantering bags of rum acquired :wink: from burst barrels into bottles in the kitchen to sell at the ale house :laughing:

The scousers were the first “soccer casuals” never mind what the cockneys say. It was because Liverpool were always in Europe in the 80s due to their success in England and the scousers would go on the away trips and come back with never before seen over here sports and casual gear such as Stone Island, CP Company, Eliesse, Sergio Tachini etc what they had lifted from the sports shops of Italy, Germany etc.
They would go over with an empty Head bag, fill it with gear and sell the clothes to their mates in the pub and their away trip would cost them nowt! :smiley:

I once parked up for the night in Liverpool and was just going to the pub and a young Scouser came up and said, “mind your truck drive?” I said, “No you can’t and there’s a Rottweiler in the cab!” , “Oh” he said, “Put fires out can it?!” :open_mouth: :wink: :grimacing:

and bernard manning is alive and well in barnsley :laughing:

Well, it’s just another silly stereo type isn’t it to raise a laugh. I’m sure they have there fair share of thieves but so do most cities of that size/socio economic level.

Too late now, but I stopped in Liverpool last night. Parked in the car park next to the Echo Arena. The night watchmen even made me a brew! Lovely and quiet too. :sunglasses:

Liverpudlians - ashamed by nothing, offended by everything,

Perhaps it is me doing my fellow Liverpudlians a disservice. Next time you are in Liverpool, make a joke about it, and you may have evrybody in hysterics. I can tell you that if it happens to be me you are calling a thief, then you may not get the response you were expecting.

Liverpudlians - ashamed by nothing, offended by everything,

Perhaps it is me doing my fellow Liverpudlians a disservice. Next time you are in Liverpool, make a joke about it, and you may have evrybody in hysterics. I can tell you that if it happens to be me you are calling a thief, then you may not get the response you were expecting.


last time i stopped in bin dipper land was on the ind est were b&m are however i beed told recently you cant park on there anymore is this right

I asked a copper in Liverpool if he knew a safe place to park, Yes he said about 20 miles away!

Well, it’s just another silly stereo type isn’t it to raise a laugh. I’m sure they have there fair share of thieves but so do most cities of that size/socio economic level.

Very true… I have parked all over the place in Liverpool, and still will. I don’t think it’s any worse than anywhere else, ( give a dog a bad name and all that )