Runaway trailer smashes into van near Oswestry


Dave the Renegade:

I stand to be corrected but I believe there are no tread or condition requirements for tractors or trailers towed by tractors.

All trailers over 750 kg require brakes, if towed above 20mph
they should have high speed (commercial) brakes with a
mechanism to apply the trailer brakes in the event the trailer
accidentally detaches.

That’s braked trailers but my specific statement was about tyres. I used to deliver to a brewery and they had a farmers trailer out front for the old hops the farmer took away. There was more cord showing than rubber on this thing but apparently it’s legal.

Yes I quite believe that, I’ve seen them with wire and canvas showing. The police have started to pull a few in this way, but its time more laws for regular checks were brought in, as these vehicles and trailers are spending much more time out on the public roads.

Dave the Renegade:


Dave the Renegade:

I stand to be corrected but I believe there are no tread or condition requirements for tractors or trailers towed by tractors.

All trailers over 750 kg require brakes, if towed above 20mph
they should have high speed (commercial) brakes with a
mechanism to apply the trailer brakes in the event the trailer
accidentally detaches.

That’s braked trailers but my specific statement was about tyres. I used to deliver to a brewery and they had a farmers trailer out front for the old hops the farmer took away. There was more cord showing than rubber on this thing but apparently it’s legal.

Yes I quite believe that, I’ve seen them with wire and canvas showing. The police have started to pull a few in this way, but its time more laws for regular checks were brought in, as these vehicles and trailers are spending much more time out on the public roads.

But the checks are useless if it’s legal to run like that. I believe it’s the same ruling as with the braked trailers (not exceeding 20mph)


Dave the Renegade:


Dave the Renegade:

I stand to be corrected but I believe there are no tread or condition requirements for tractors or trailers towed by tractors.

All trailers over 750 kg require brakes, if towed above 20mph
they should have high speed (commercial) brakes with a
mechanism to apply the trailer brakes in the event the trailer
accidentally detaches.

That’s braked trailers but my specific statement was about tyres. I used to deliver to a brewery and they had a farmers trailer out front for the old hops the farmer took away. There was more cord showing than rubber on this thing but apparently it’s legal.

Yes I quite believe that, I’ve seen them with wire and canvas showing. The police have started to pull a few in this way, but its time more laws for regular checks were brought in, as these vehicles and trailers are spending much more time out on the public roads.

But the checks are useless if it’s legal to run like that. I believe it’s the same ruling as with the braked trailers (not exceeding 20mph)

A lot of these tractors and trailers are running at over 30mph with a full load of straw on-board. I think the same legislation that came in for lorries under the 1964 transport bill, should be applied to agricultural tractors that are doing a lot of road work.

Dave the Renegade:

You’d think mr BT would have had the good sense to jump out his van.

I think the BT man averted what could have been a bigger disaster, by staying in the van and stopping the trailer.

I ll Second that…

Dave the Renegade:

You’d think mr BT would have had the good sense to jump out his van.

I think the BT man averted what could have been a bigger disaster, by staying in the van and stopping the trailer.

I ll Second that…