I am well chuffed that my £750 shares have risen well.
That’s a good start.
If and its a big “If” Miliband and his cronies had any balls they should have announced that if they get voted back into government they would re nationalise the Royal Mail.
And watch them greedy buggers weep.
But unfortunately the “Labour” party are just as big a bunch of bloody thieves as the rest of them.
What used to belong to 60 million people has been stolen and given to 300,000 greedy SOBs
R I P the Royal Mail.You bought shares you should hang your head in bloody shame.
Ok I have a question. I brought my shares through the gov site, paid for them as money gone from my bank, but I’ve heard nowt! No e-mail no letter nothing, I’m getting worried, anybody else had this prob!
‘…The biggest winners are the brokers…’
Or the European Federalists who, whilst taxing the brokers insisted that our former nation within their UK region rids itself of a ‘World’s first’ institution in order to conform to their undemocratic ideal
That’s why the RM is being privatised - because the EU told us to
If and its a big “If” Miliband and his cronies had any balls they should have announced that if they get voted back into government they would re nationalise the Royal Mail.And watch them greedy buggers weep.
But unfortunately the “Labour” party are just as big a bunch of bloody thieves as the rest of them.
What used to belong to 60 million people has been stolen and given to 300,000 greedy SOBs
R I P the Royal Mail.You bought shares you should hang your head in bloody shame.
At least I’m not the only one who thought that way…And I worked there for over 20 years!
Royal Mail is the new Eurotunnel of the financial markets… You wait until they start attempting to drive down wages, only to find all the remaining decent drivers quit, and leave their shiny new 13 plates to be wrecked by agency-bod-come-lately… No one I speak to among my former workmates thinks strongly that I’ve done the wrong thing by jumping ship with a voluntary redundancy package three years ago, even though I appear to have missed out on a couple of grand of free shares as it stands. I would have lost more than that per year in forfeited overtime had I stayed, so I’m still confident I did the right thing.
Harry Monk:
It must`ve been all those royal mail employees dumping their free shares on the market at once that caused the drop in price![]()
I understand that around 500 RM employees opted to take their full employee allowance of around £10k, they where the only ones who could have 10k, so a nice tidy profit for them if they sold themAs I understand it (perhaps a RM employee can confirm this ), RM employees don’t get allocated their shares until next Tuesday, and don’t even know how many shares they will be getting yet as that will be decided by the closing price on Tuesday, also they can’t sell them for three years.
Yes that is correct
Indeed that is the case, can’t sell for 3 years minimum, after the bones have been picked dry by the fatcats and all the profits are gone how much will be left for the workers and what will be the value of their ‘free’ shares?
How many will be still employed after 3 years to claim those shares,and those that leave/ are made redundant, what happens to their shares?
Employees don’t have any shares for 3 years, sold so far down the river we’re in mid Pacific!
Doubt I’ll have a job in 3 months let alone 3 years so the ‘free’ shares won’t benefit me or anyone else who’s forced to leave.
Ok I have a question. I brought my shares through the gov site, paid for them as money gone from my bank, but I’ve heard nowt! No e-mail no letter nothing, I’m getting worried, anybody else had this prob!
You will probably receive your paperwork in the post next week along with a cheque for any overpayment you may have made. What method you’ll be able to sell them by I’m not sure especially if you dont have a broker account & want to sell them you wont have such control of the moment & price they’re sold at, leaving you open to being ripped off by the fat cats.
As I bought mine via my broker(s) I was notified via them of my allocation at the start of trading Friday, and monies where/are held in those accounts. (I have more than 1 broker account).
As for shame?
I have no shame, I gave up worrying about that as a yoof, after discovering beer and ugly wimmin, and over indulging in both
But at least I haven’t been tempted to cash my shares in yet for a fast profit like may have, as I have previously stated I’m hanging onto mine & letting them run as I recon there’s more mileage in these yet
‘… the “Labour” party are just as big a bunch of bloody thieves as the rest of them…’
Labour, Liberals, Tories & Greens are all 100% committed to full EU integration and the inevitable federalising/greying effect of the EU.
The former’s signature when headed by Gordon, The Clown-Brown on the Lisbon Treaty - and as supported by Ed Mini-band, saw to the sinking of the RM on that day: Thus, as well as the UK paying Brussels £50 million per day and to swamp us with leech migrants, became UK’s Sovereignty over itself given-away.
As evidenced everyday, has anyone noticed how the BBC limply practises it’s polarised propaganda on this issue as if privatisation was inevitable when it need not have been, whilst it also no-longer broadcasting of inches, feet & miles but of those other alienating units of measure
Who asked for this shoddy treatment from our supposed public servants
So, ‘…Royal Mail Shares…?’ No, I’m not revelling in their existence.
Also, because my Dad was a postie, those shares represent divvying-up his toil at a spectacle of obese, arrogant, homeless & malnourished kids gorging on imported, saccharine ridden sweets being briefly showered upon to them from a Mercedes-riding foreign pervert chauffeured and flunkied by the Lib/Lab/Green/Con outside a millionaire owned but soulless, minimum-wage paying, zero-hours contracted cornershop.
My Dad’s ashes deserve better than that.
Well, its being so cheerful what keeps yer going eh? Thats what I always say.
Finished at £475! Ill see what tmozza brings but I
m looking to sell in the morning. I think its a crap company and probably now overvalued I.M.H.O. Blimey, they only just started taking credit/Debit cards just a few years ago. Crazy. Still in the dark ages, the poor sods working for them wont know whats hit
em soon.
They did well to last as long they did, to the old working practices which have been wiped out everywhere else.
I wonder if the new regime can find a way to sell stamps without the need for me to have to take a ticket and sit in a waiting area until I`m called forward to be served. Just a thought. Its just that other retail enterprises seem to manage this complicated kind of thing rather better.
Ever tried to pick up a parcel which could not be delivered? The recruitment process for the counter positions on the parcel collection desk must be quite stringent, in that they must seek out the most arrogant and surly employees.
Maybe if you`re the happy type, always willing to help, they send you out as a postie, and my postie is certainly that, an absolute gem, and then they save the nasty pieces of work for parcel retrieval duties.
Finished at £475!
Bloody hell, I knew they`d go up in price, but not THAT much!
Unconditional trading of the shares starts tomorrow
‘…They did well to last as long they did, to the old working practices which have been wiped out everywhere else…’
I sensed a ‘managed decline’ was very carefully and cynically overseen & nurtured by pro-privatisation politicians in order for tax-paying proles like us to imagine the inevitable was best.
Their unstated ambition was to kowtow to the EU’s desire in achieving non state-controlled mail services and obey them ahead of any notion to maintain values once associated with open British democracy.
Enjoy the ££ profit, all, but maybe beware the advances in feeling coldly & qualitatively disenfranchised as a diversifying (and thus more easily manipulated?) grey/dull/blah EU society
To evidence the condition within their manipulative mindset, how come our ‘leader-sheep’ placed higher priorities to flog-off the RM jewels rather than occasionally half-caring about the zillions of motors on the highways - that we have to work amongst, with umpteen bulbs permanently not working? The dodgy state of UK taxi’s anyone - or dare not we democratically ask such questions for fear of ‘white-man’ chizzing off their invariably minority operators
The shares will drop as time goes on. The letters side is declining and the parcel side is the only bit that makes money. They currently operate at an unfair advantage over their competitors as they don’t have to charge VAT on parcel deliveries. This rule is being challenged in court soon. Lose that and RM will have to bump their prices 20% just to stand still profit wise.
I don’t know what’s happened to the massive pensions black hole either?
Eurotunnel went from 350p to over a tenner before falling back to double figures…
Privatised (stolen) Friday price rise for stamps on Tuesday.
Must be a record!!!
Well done all you greedy little stock market entrepenuers.Now the government can tax you just a little more because the postal costs have risen to send out all their ■■■■■■■■ forms and bills.
And guess where all that lovely wonga will end up.Sure as hell not in the pockets of plebs who drive some bloody wagon for a living.
The love of money is the root of all evil
Knew what he was on about did old Shakespear.
No. Thats a biblical quote.
Shakespeare may have known what he was on about, but he didnt write that, and he didn
t get any RM shares either. So he`s not that good is he?
Privatised (stolen) Friday price rise for stamps on Tuesday.
Must be a record!!!Well done all you greedy little stock market entrepenuers.Now the government can tax you just a little more because the postal costs have risen to send out all their [zb] forms and bills.
And guess where all that lovely wonga will end up.Sure as hell not in the pockets of plebs who drive some bloody wagon for a living.
The love of money is the root of all evil
Knew what he was on about did old Shakespear.
There’s nothing greedy about it, I’ve earned virtually no interest on my savings for four years now because of the BoE policy of bailing out feckless idiots who borrowed money they couldn’t pay back to buy houses they couldn’t afford with ZIRP, the £350 or so I’ve earned buying RM shares doesn’t even go a tenth of the way to making that up.
Lloyds and Bank of Scotland will be re-privatised before the 2015 election and I’d suggest you get off your high horse and snap some of those up because if you don’t,somebody else will.
Might not be such a no-brainer there Harry as these are currently listed companies and the market is fixing the prices not the gov.
Also, Joe Public will need nerves of steel to buy bank shares! Deffo not for me!
Also, Joe Public will need nerves of steel to buy bank shares! Deffo not for me!
It will be a pre-election free money giveaway, you’d be mad not to. That’s all this is, a free money bribe, won’t the Christmas trading figures look good this year?
It won’t make me vote for them, but I will take a few hundred quid for
five minutes’ work when I see the chance.
the tory undervaluation of the royal mail shares has cost the taxpayer more in 3 days than benefit fraud will in 365 just a thought