Stand by ,just noticed Denis is online !
Dan Punchard:
Stand by ,just noticed Denis is online !
Well Im sure he will give his candid fully unbiased opinion on the load in question, That obviously had to be sheeted, Regards Larry.
Remember this old girl tramping about when I was driving an Octopus and drag
It used to blow me off as if I was stopped it was a good rate of knots faster.
thanks harry, long retired.
Now come on “H” this is getting serious !! if that Athersmith waggon and trailer passed you at uh! uh! 25 mph you were parked up fast asleep in a layby somewhere,when Possy and me passed them in the Octopus it rocked them from side to side,now that was shifting a bit !!Athersmiths actually had an Octopus identical to the Brady 8 wheelers but my driver(and G’uvnor) Eric reckoned Eddie Mansell the Athersmith driver didn’t know where 6th O/D was and his “bottle went” at 40 MPH,unfortunately and sadly, my old mate Eric is in Furness General suffering from Alzimers ,I can’t do owt for him,if I could I’d get him in behind the wheel of an Octopus and I could guarantee his face would light up,he was the master where waggon and trailer driving was concerned second to none and I was priveledged to have been his last mate.Happy days.Dennis.
Lawrence Dunbar:
Dan Punchard:
Stand by ,just noticed Denis is online !Well Im sure he will give his candid fully unbiased opinion on the load in question, That obviously had to be sheeted, Regards Larry.
Right on Larry,nowt wrong with that sheeting on a ■■■■■■■ load like that,from what I can see they won’t flap so that’ll do for me,why am I down to critisise every sheeting and roping effort that is put on this thread,all I ever want to see is a tidy,well crafted job,it dosen’t matter if the sheets aren’t new,it’s how they are used and the visual quality of the finished job,some of the efforts that are posted honestly,they couldn’t sheet a bed but I’m confident that you Larry,“H”, and Ponsonbys lads are in the “premiership” division where S&R is concerned,well Young Mr Ponsonby saw enough Bewick motors passing along the A5 at Tamworth so he has no excuse which is why his flats are always immaculate,it might take him a bit longer than we would take but he gets there in the end and he puts the shots on to support his firms superb skill. Cheers Dennis.
Young Larry, with a full load of handball soap powder from P&Gs Trafford Park, Not pallets as Dennis thought, Waiting to off load at P&Gs warehouse on the Close Newcastle which was owned by Baxters Road Services at that time , 25 years old & still learning from his mentors, Happy long gone days, Regards Larry.
Lawrence Dunbar:
00Young Larry, with a full load of handball soap powder from P&Gs Trafford Park, Not pallets as Dennis thought, Waiting to off load at P&Gs warehouse on the Close Newcastle which was owned by Baxters Road Services at that time , 25 years old & still learning from his mentors, Happy long gone days, Regards Larry.
That’s a canny load Larry and from what I can be seen a credit to you mate,it’s a right “atmospheric” shot for the time when it was “Road Haulage” and every load was hauled in that fashion,these young’uns don’t know they are born do they ! Anyhow Larry,back to serious business,we’ve just come in from having a very nice meal with the family,end of term for the two granddaughters ect.and I’ve just had a very large Bell’s,I know,I know it’s inferior to what you and “H” sup but it’s OK for us “lads” eh! Cheers Dennis.
Dan Punchard:
Stand by ,just noticed Denis is online !
And Mr.P my name is spelt with two “N” 's, my Mother always told me that the proper spelling had two “N” 's well I suppose if it was spelt with one “N” and someone substituted the “D” for a “P”,well need I say more Cheers DENNIS.
Lawrence Dunbar:
00Young Larry, with a full load of handball soap powder from P&Gs Trafford Park, Not pallets as Dennis thought, Waiting to off load at P&Gs warehouse on the Close Newcastle which was owned by Baxters Road Services at that time , 25 years old & still learning from his mentors, Happy long gone days, Regards Larry.That’s a canny load Larry and from what I can be seen a credit to you mate,it’s a right “atmospheric” shot for the time when it was “Road Haulage” and every load was hauled in that fashion,these young’uns don’t know they are born do they ! Anyhow Larry,back to serious business,we’ve just come in from having a very nice meal with the family,end of term for the two granddaughters ect.and I’ve just had a very large Bell’s,I know,I know it’s inferior to what you and “H” sup but it’s OK for us “lads” eh! Cheers Dennis.
Good for you & your family Dennis, Theres nowt like a good night out is there, Im just enjoying a few Malts myself before Im told its bedtime by the good old wife who has to be obeyed at least once a year Eh, So this must be here night Eh.?, Regards Larry.
Dan Punchard:
Stand by ,just noticed Denis is online !And Mr.P my name is spelt with two “N” 's, my Mother always told me that the proper spelling had two “N” 's well I suppose if it was spelt with one “N” and someone substituted the “D” for a “P”,well need I say more Cheers DENNIS.
Sorry Sir ,you’d think I’d know better owning 2 Dennis my self ,however my cousin spells his name Denis so next time I see him I’ll tell him he’s a _enis .
Lawrence Dunbar:
Lawrence Dunbar:
00Young Larry, with a full load of handball soap powder from P&Gs Trafford Park, Not pallets as Dennis thought, Waiting to off load at P&Gs warehouse on the Close Newcastle which was owned by Baxters Road Services at that time , 25 years old & still learning from his mentors, Happy long gone days, Regards Larry.That’s a canny load Larry and from what I can be seen a credit to you mate,it’s a right “atmospheric” shot for the time when it was “Road Haulage” and every load was hauled in that fashion,these young’uns don’t know they are born do they ! Anyhow Larry,back to serious business,we’ve just come in from having a very nice meal with the family,end of term for the two granddaughters ect.and I’ve just had a very large Bell’s,I know,I know it’s inferior to what you and “H” sup but it’s OK for us “lads” eh! Cheers Dennis.
Good for you & your family Dennis, Theres nowt like a good night out is there, Im just enjoying a few Malts myself before Im told its bedtime by the good old wife who has to be obeyed at least once a year Eh, So this must be here night Eh.?, Regards Larry.
You must be suffering from memory loss Larry as “The Boss” probably tells you every evening when it’s your bedtime unless there’s summat that is interesting on the tele for her and she gives you another half hour on TNUK !! Cheers Dennis.
Remember this old girl tramping about when I was driving an Octopus and drag
It used to blow me off as if I was stopped it was a good rate of knots faster.
thanks harry, long retired.Now come on “H” this is getting serious !! if that Athersmith waggon and trailer passed you at uh! uh! 25 mph you were parked up fast asleep in a layby somewhere,when Possy and me passed them in the Octopus it rocked them from side to side,now that was shifting a bit !!Athersmiths actually had an Octopus identical to the Brady 8 wheelers but my driver(and G’uvnor) Eric reckoned Eddie Mansell the Athersmith driver didn’t know where 6th O/D was and his “bottle went” at 40 MPH,unfortunately and sadly, my old mate Eric is in Furness General suffering from Alzimers ,I can’t do owt for him,if I could I’d get him in behind the wheel of an Octopus and I could guarantee his face would light up,he was the master where waggon and trailer driving was concerned second to none and I was priveledged to have been his last mate.Happy days.Dennis.
Aye Dennis he wasn’t as fast as Brady’s Octo but remember mine were aged tubs
doing about 32 MPH and that would be with a good tail wind so 40 MPH would in
those days appear like low flying to me, well we only had to average 18 MPH in
those days so in effect East Lancashire to the outskirts of London was a good
days effort, got ten hours for that if we got tipped we had to use a bit of book
cooking ( a spreadover ) to keep the shop steward happy.
thanks harry, long retired.
Dan Punchard:
Dan Punchard:
Stand by ,just noticed Denis is online !And Mr.P my name is spelt with two “N” 's, my Mother always told me that the proper spelling had two “N” 's well I suppose if it was spelt with one “N” and someone substituted the “D” for a “P”,well need I say more Cheers DENNIS.
Sorry Sir ,you’d think I’d know better owning 2 Dennis my self ,however my cousin spells his name Denis so next time I see him I’ll tell him he’s a _enis .
Absoluely Dan,and you’ll be having him changing his name by deed poll once he realises his name’s spelt wrong Cheers DeNNis
Remember this old girl tramping about when I was driving an Octopus and drag
It used to blow me off as if I was stopped it was a good rate of knots faster.
thanks harry, long retired.Now come on “H” this is getting serious !! if that Athersmith waggon and trailer passed you at uh! uh! 25 mph you were parked up fast asleep in a layby somewhere,when Possy and me passed them in the Octopus it rocked them from side to side,now that was shifting a bit !!Athersmiths actually had an Octopus identical to the Brady 8 wheelers but my driver(and G’uvnor) Eric reckoned Eddie Mansell the Athersmith driver didn’t know where 6th O/D was and his “bottle went” at 40 MPH,unfortunately and sadly, my old mate Eric is in Furness General suffering from Alzimers ,I can’t do owt for him,if I could I’d get him in behind the wheel of an Octopus and I could guarantee his face would light up,he was the master where waggon and trailer driving was concerned second to none and I was priveledged to have been his last mate.Happy days.Dennis.
Aye Dennis he wasn’t as fast as Brady’s Octo but remember mine were aged tubs
doing about 32 MPH and that would be with a good tail wind so 40 MPH would in
those days appear like low flying to me, well we only had to average 18 MPH in
those days so in effect East Lancashire to the outskirts of London was a good
days effort, got ten hours for that if we got tipped we had to use a bit of book
cooking ( a spreadover ) to keep the shop steward happy.
thanks harry, long retired.
There’s no fly’s on this kid “H”,not even the marks where they’ve been Cheers Dennis.
Lawrence Dunbar:
Lawrence Dunbar:
00Young Larry, with a full load of handball soap powder from P&Gs Trafford Park, Not pallets as Dennis thought, Waiting to off load at P&Gs warehouse on the Close Newcastle which was owned by Baxters Road Services at that time , 25 years old & still learning from his mentors, Happy long gone days, Regards Larry.That’s a canny load Larry and from what I can be seen a credit to you mate,it’s a right “atmospheric” shot for the time when it was “Road Haulage” and every load was hauled in that fashion,these young’uns don’t know they are born do they ! Anyhow Larry,back to serious business,we’ve just come in from having a very nice meal with the family,end of term for the two granddaughters ect.and I’ve just had a very large Bell’s,I know,I know it’s inferior to what you and “H” sup but it’s OK for us “lads” eh! Cheers Dennis.
Good for you & your family Dennis, Theres nowt like a good night out is there, Im just enjoying a few Malts myself before Im told its bedtime by the good old wife who has to be obeyed at least once a year Eh, So this must be here night Eh.?, Regards Larry.
You must be suffering from memory loss Larry as “The Boss” probably tells you every evening when it’s your bedtime unless there’s summat that is interesting on the tele for her and she gives you another half hour on TNUK !! Cheers Dennis.
Dennis i get that problem,i wish they would put emmerdale and coronation street on 24/7 then i can go on TNUK with no sarky comments
pete smith:
The Boys Own:
One of my latest attempts10 out of 10 for that Boysown,but how did you manage to get sheets over load with all the health and safety crap nowadays? ps.whats the load?
Thanks for your kind words chaps I was quite pleased with my efforts.
It is a plastic injection moulding machine
I was able to enlist a high reach forklift to get the half opened sheets up there
pete smith:
Lawrence Dunbar:
Lawrence Dunbar:
00Young Larry, with a full load of handball soap powder from P&Gs Trafford Park, Not pallets as Dennis thought, Waiting to off load at P&Gs warehouse on the Close Newcastle which was owned by Baxters Road Services at that time , 25 years old & still learning from his mentors, Happy long gone days, Regards Larry.That’s a canny load Larry and from what I can be seen a credit to you mate,it’s a right “atmospheric” shot for the time when it was “Road Haulage” and every load was hauled in that fashion,these young’uns don’t know they are born do they ! Anyhow Larry,back to serious business,we’ve just come in from having a very nice meal with the family,end of term for the two granddaughters ect.and I’ve just had a very large Bell’s,I know,I know it’s inferior to what you and “H” sup but it’s OK for us “lads” eh! Cheers Dennis.
Good for you & your family Dennis, Theres nowt like a good night out is there, Im just enjoying a few Malts myself before Im told its bedtime by the good old wife who has to be obeyed at least once a year Eh, So this must be here night Eh.?, Regards Larry.
You must be suffering from memory loss Larry as “The Boss” probably tells you every evening when it’s your bedtime unless there’s summat that is interesting on the tele for her and she gives you another half hour on TNUK !! Cheers Dennis.
Dennis i get that problem,i wish they would put emmerdale and coronation street on 24/7 then i can go on TNUK with no sarky comments
So Larry and me are not the only ones to get ear ache about going on to TNUK,I get “it” from all the family regularly,but they don’t understand do they !They’ve never put the miles in and had the “craic”,they can’t understand the camaradrie when you’ve been a driver up and down the road,well at least in years gone by,it’s total ■■■■■ to-day but at least we aren’t involved eh! Cheers Dennis.
The Boys Own:
pete smith:
The Boys Own:
One of my latest attempts10 out of 10 for that Boysown,but how did you manage to get sheets over load with all the health and safety crap nowadays? ps.whats the load?
Thanks for your kind words chaps I was quite pleased with my efforts.
It is a plastic injection moulding machine
I was able to enlist a high reach forklift to get the half opened sheets up there
So come on who actually sheeted and roped it for you? Joking of course Bewick.
pete smith:
Lawrence Dunbar:
Lawrence Dunbar:
00Young Larry, with a full load of handball soap powder from P&Gs Trafford Park, Not pallets as Dennis thought, Waiting to off load at P&Gs warehouse on the Close Newcastle which was owned by Baxters Road Services at that time , 25 years old & still learning from his mentors, Happy long gone days, Regards Larry.That’s a canny load Larry and from what I can be seen a credit to you mate,it’s a right “atmospheric” shot for the time when it was “Road Haulage” and every load was hauled in that fashion,these young’uns don’t know they are born do they ! Anyhow Larry,back to serious business,we’ve just come in from having a very nice meal with the family,end of term for the two granddaughters ect.and I’ve just had a very large Bell’s,I know,I know it’s inferior to what you and “H” sup but it’s OK for us “lads” eh! Cheers Dennis.
Good for you & your family Dennis, Theres nowt like a good night out is there, Im just enjoying a few Malts myself before Im told its bedtime by the good old wife who has to be obeyed at least once a year Eh, So this must be here night Eh.?, Regards Larry.
You must be suffering from memory loss Larry as “The Boss” probably tells you every evening when it’s your bedtime unless there’s summat that is interesting on the tele for her and she gives you another half hour on TNUK !! Cheers Dennis.
Dennis i get that problem,i wish they would put emmerdale and coronation street on 24/7 then i can go on TNUK with no sarky comments
So Larry and me are not the only ones to get ear ache about going on to TNUK,I get “it” from all the family regularly,but they don’t understand do they !They’ve never put the miles in and had the “craic”,they can’t understand the camaradrie when you’ve been a driver up and down the road,well at least in years gone by,it’s total [zb] to-day but at least we aren’t involved eh! Cheers Dennis.
I take no notice,but i never comment when she on facetwitter talking bollox,at least this is fact Dennis,well apart from 8 pot Big J’s
Look, the words “horse,dead,flogging” come to mind when trying to reserect the BIG J 8LXB fiasco,you will note that the most voiciferous sections of the supporters forum have gone silent,there never was an 8LXB Guy Big J and that is final.!! You know I am,so Cheers.