^^ This. A place I worked at had the car park about half a mile from the transport office. I was at my car when I realised I had left my card in the tachograph.
Also at same place a few weeks later I realised id chucked my car keys in the box instead of the truck keys. Wasnt nearly as embarressing as having to root around for them when other drivers wanted in for keys
And as ORC has mentioned,when backing onto a bay always ALWAYS remember your number plate if leaving the trailer. Unhooking is easy enough but the whole hook up/unhook process having to be completed for a few feet just to retrieve a number plate? Very annoying. Manys a time ive stood looking at the trailer as if another solution to retrieve it will appear! Also sods law dictates that a shunter or other driver will be watching and see the whole sorry escapade unfold
When leaving somewhere after being loaded,remember your paperwork. I was once about 20 miles and 35 minutes from a bottle plant,working out a half decent finish time in my head, when the call came in to tell me they had phoned my company to tell them that I hadn’t stopped at the gatehouse to collect my paperwork. I had to turn at the next exit and go all the way back. Early finish became last one back to the yard!
I’ve left my paperwork behind before. I was on an agency run from Lincoln to Dartford and Erith, Sainsburys and Asda respectively. Got to Sainsburys, fought my way off the Dartford crossing, round those two god awful roundabouts, turned up the gatehouse then signed in. Tipping went without problem.
After then fighting my way across what seemed like endless roundabouts to get to Erith, arriving at the gatehouse, gateman asked me for my paperwork to check… “Paperwork” I say… I start looking around the cab, turning it upside down trying to find it… Its not here… Why is it not here…? Then it suddenly dawns on me that I was given three sheets of paper by dispatch. One sheet for Sainsburys and two for Asda… What I had done was given all three sheets to lady at Goods in for Sainsburys
Quick spin in the yard and back off to Dartford I went. Go back to the gatehouse at Sainsburys, the gateman looks confused. “You’ve just been here drive, what you doing back”. I explained to him that I had given all my paperwork to the Goods in rather than just the Sainsbury’s dispatch note. At this point he nearly fell off his seat laughing. I managed to retrieve Adsa’s dispatch notes from the lady in Goods in. Hopped back into the truck and returned to Erith only to find a fully loaded double decker had just pulled in and was next in line to be tipped and then sorted. I only had 10 small pallets of eggs to come off but I had to wait ages for them to be done with that decker.
Newbie here. Just started out driving baby trucks (7.5t) loving it but multidrop is hard work.
I left the keys in the trailer and shut the door down
So someone had to drive from the depot 1.5 hours away with another set. To be fair a spare fob should have been in the cab but wasn’t.
On my first ever driving job, with the ink barely dry on my shiny new licence, I put the chart in the tachograph upside down. Realising my mistake at the end of the shift, I filled in the manual entry fields and wrote an explanatory note on it.
A couple of days later, on my second ever driving job, I did exactly the same thing…
Never did it again though!
Turned up to DHL Doncaster, stopped in goods in lane before the barrier, walked to the gatehouse, booked in, went back to cab, returned to gatehouse a minute later “I appear to have locked myself out…”
In doing so I’d also locked my phone & wallet inside with all the windows shut, I had nothing but the clothes I was wearing and the notes in my hand.
I couldn’t remember the office number so I had to walk all the way to goods in, get them to look up the company website and contact number for the depot, then borrow the goods in phone to call it and get through the depot manager and explain what had happened. Then I had to explain that I couldn’t give them a number to call me back on as I had no phone on me. I heard on the grapevine later that they’d sent volvo out to rescue me and they’d be about 3 hours. 3 hours pass and volvo find me standing under the bonnet trying to keep warm. 30 seconds after volvo turn up & I’m inside again.
In my defence they aren’t supposed to lock themselves & I still get stick for it happening now.
But, I never leave my keys in when getting out now.
To save someone from this predicament, if you pull the catch and release it quick enough it can slip into the locked position & if you shut the door without noticing this you’re staying out for a while!
Also, when the alarm goes, for the love of god don’t think “oh I’ll just lie back down” because when you open them again your delivery will have been for 3:30am and it’ll be light, just get up!
To be fair a spare fob should have been in the cab but wasn’t.
Not much help if you have locked the cab up when your doing a delivery though is it?
To be fair a spare fob should have been in the cab but wasn’t.Not much help if you have locked the cab up when your doing a delivery though is it?
The cab wasn’t locked so I sat in there unable to go anywhere!
Not checking whether night heater worked during the first daily check prior to leaving for a week during winter. BRRRRRRRRRR
Not checking whether I had an Anderson lead in the cab. Oops
Just after I started last May and running a bit tight for time for a break, spied a kerbed layby with no parking restrictions just off the dual carriage-way I was on in London. Was only just long enough for the 7.5 I was driving. Got to the end of the 15 break, checked my mirrors as I thought I needed a little more room to turn “sensibly” out into the d/c (narrowish lanes) as I was fairly tight to the kerbs at the end. Was only reversing at a snails when I got a toot from a van at traffic lights on the opposite side of the d/c. I wondered what he was gesticulating about when the wagon stopped going backwards. Pulled forward slightly and got out to find a car parked behind me (not visible in the mirrors), half in the layby and half on the pavement. No damage thankfully but I always have a look round after any break as it came up in CPC training and has done on here.
I’ll let you know tomorrow after my first day at work driving after passing.
I did once once jump off the tail life…got distracted and forgot about it …only when I got on the motorway and kept getting flashed I knew what I had done
…felt sick