Just seen a new Wiseman rigid
SK62 HDU Scania P230 Rigid
Sorry, driving so no photos
Kindest regards
Just seen a new Wiseman rigid
SK62 HDU Scania P230 Rigid
Sorry, driving so no photos
Kindest regards
■■■■■■■■ gill:
Just seen a new Wiseman rigidSK62 HDU Scania P230 Rigid
Sorry, driving so no photos
Kindest regards
Thanks CG
■■■■■■■■ gill:
Just seen a new Wiseman rigidSK62 HDU Scania P230 Rigid
Sorry, driving so no photos
Kindest regards
CGThanks CG
Your welcome truckerjames
Also seen today but no photos:
SK62 HCH Scania P230 Rigid
SK62 HCL Scania P230 Rigid
Kindest regards
■■■■■■■■ gill:
■■■■■■■■ gill:
Just seen a new Wiseman rigidSK62 HDU Scania P230 Rigid
Sorry, driving so no photos
Kindest regards
CGThanks CG
Your welcome truckerjames
Also seen today but no photos:
SK62 HCH Scania P230 Rigid
SK62 HCL Scania P230 RigidKindest regards
CG there P280’s by the way
■■■■■■■■ gill:
■■■■■■■■ gill:
Just seen a new Wiseman rigidSK62 HDU Scania P230 Rigid
Sorry, driving so no photos
Kindest regards
CGThanks CG
Your welcome truckerjames
Also seen today but no photos:
SK62 HCH Scania P230 Rigid
SK62 HCL Scania P230 RigidKindest regards
CGCG there P280’s by the way
Quiet right mickyblue, typing error
Kindest regards
Are they yours or Wisemens?
No they are owned by a contractor. How long do you think they wouldlast if wisemans owned them.
Here’s the proof. This is what’s left of one of our tanks after a wiseman driver tried to go round a round about
Are they yours or Wisemens?No they are owned by a contractor. How long do you think they wouldlast if wisemans owned them.
Here’s the proof. This is what’s left of one of our tanks after a wiseman driver tried to go round a round about
Bit of gaffer tape would sort that
I don’t think so. Insurance quote for repair was £42,000!!!
Are they yours or Wisemens?No they are owned by a contractor. How long do you think they wouldlast if wisemans owned them.
Here’s the proof. This is what’s left of one of our tanks after a wiseman driver tried to go round a round about
Remember this accident, happened not far from Market drayton, took the roundabout too fast, dont know what happened to the Daf cf unit, also he was fully loaded swell.
■■■■■■■■ gill:
■■■■■■■■ gill:
Just seen a new Wiseman rigidSK62 HDU Scania P230 Rigid
Sorry, driving so no photos
Kindest regards
CGThanks CG
Your welcome truckerjames
Also seen today but no photos:
SK62 HCH Scania P230 Rigid
SK62 HCL Scania P230 RigidKindest regards
CGCG there P280’s by the way
Wouldnt be getting anywhere if they were p230’s the fl6 220’s were bad enough, 25mph up corley bank on the m6 flat out while youve got artic tanking past at 60mph
I was told one had to use the hard shoulder to get up a hill. We have one left at our yard still being used.
A few from my 2000+ collection
I was told one had to use the hard shoulder to get up a hill. We have one left at our yard still being used.
All ours are dying and rotting away in the corner, all been painted white and had the stickers removed, waiting to go to auction
Same here. Got three parked up rusting away but one is hanging on working hard, but must say though, is looked after by the driver.
Sorry that I keep posting photos of the same Wiseman Scania P280 rigid truckerjames123
But, its the only one I every see
Kindest regards
Here is the North Scotland sales rep vehicle the Gaelic writing translates as you guessed it “Fresh Milk Daily” I have loads of photos of Keith Depot trucks which I will post when I get them transferred to the lappy
Thanks everyone for the replies.
We’ve had a new 13 plate Daf cf at wolves in the new White livery, looks the part.
Ronnie W thanks for the photos and keep them coming, never been to Keith depot before, only ever been to Carlisle and Cairn Place
Thanks everyone again, great photos