RIP BBC radio

Back in the day I liked the late night R1 John Peel and as already mentioned Andy Kershaw, also AK’S predecessor on World Music the late Charlie Gillett.
I didn’t get on with Peel on his R4 Sat morning slot though.

Mostly R4 now, and I am a More or Less “loyal listener” as well as Today, PM, and most 18hr30 comedies.

BBC radio has changed with the times, and so have I. Less music today and more speech radio when doing other things. Some R4 plays and books are excellent, some are probably good but don’t float my boat. But it isn’t reasonable to expect everything to be so.

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So was I. Radio 2 might not have been my thing but he was a terrific host/ DJ and his audience was significant.

I spent many a night in a pot-holed muddy parking area adjacent to a greasy spoon euphemistically called a “truck stop” in the 80s half-listening to John Peel as I dozed off. One hole I still remember was off the A56(?) near the ship canal with the (then new) M60 nearby, hanged if I can remember what it was called.

I did like a bit of early morning R4 (on the longwave) - Brian something? Can’t remember the names now but the voices I do.

And here is the Shipping Forecast, read by Brian Perkins:

Brian Redhead? Today prog.
Here he is with Nigel Lawson…

It was indeed, ta.

And John Timpson

Whoops link didn’t load

Anyhow if any don’t know him try Google Brian Redhead and Lawson interview


A hard act to follow.
However there have been others who have done, and are doing an excellent job.

I even go back as far as Jack Demanio on the Today programme. He was famous for frequently misreading the studio clock and giving out the wrong times, thus panicking half the listening population and causng the other half a black mark at work. :rofl:

Couldn’t remember the other chap’s name, thanks