Rigid Drivers

As silly as it sounds i really struggle driving rigids, just doesn’t feel right.

+1^^^^^ I only have 6 weeks pass between my class 2 & class 1, I can’t say I can safely drive rigid, especially a crappy one without a bed, a 12v socket or decent brakes at that…

As I’ve said above, not bothered about which I drive, but I don’t think I’d like to do artic flat bed work, get to job, find missing straps or chains, ripped sheet etc, then swap trailers and go through it all again.

Easiest job I’ve done is Class 1 container work, but I’m sure Class 2 container work is easier again.

I’ve done loads of class 2 containers and I’d say a third have been house moves from overseas. A real big challenge getting the unit onto people’s drives.


As I’ve said above, not bothered about which I drive, but I don’t think I’d like to do artic flat bed work, get to job, find missing straps or chains, ripped sheet etc, then swap trailers and go through it all again.

Easiest job I’ve done is Class 1 container work, but I’m sure Class 2 container work is easier again.

I’ve done loads of class 2 containers and I’d say a third have been house moves from overseas. A real big challenge getting the unit onto people’s drives.

I’ve done loads of house moves in Class 1 containers, 1 of my favourite jobs to be honest, it’s pretty much a full day sat there getting fed and watered. Even got a tip once too :open_mouth:

I’m in a secure (as it could be) and easy (as in 2-3 drops / collections a day maybe 4-6 max) job in a 18 tonner for more then I’ve saw any artic jobs advertised for locally so I’ve no intrest in paying whatever for the +E to do more hours for the same/less money and alot more running about

I thought this thread was about sitting still whilst you’re driving :laughing: :wink:

So long as its got a wheel in all 4 corners I don’t care if it’s an arctic or rigid, I get paid roughly the higher rate for either. I regularly do a job at the start of the week that’s a rigid, in fact last week I did 6 days mon-sat in 1. This week Monday I’m in an 14T/18T rigid the rest of the week I’m in an arctic.
Many moons ago I wouldn’t dream of lowering myself to drive a rigid and would even walk off site if I was given the keys to one. No doubt some of you will remember my post about this. Then after waking up to the reality of poor earnings I’ll drive anything so long as it pays. Tbh it’s not the vehicle your driving, but the type of work your doing with it that’s the deciding factor

as long as the money’s in the bank at the end of the the month , i’m happy to drive either :laughing: i sometimes get a ‘no artic work this weekend’ so have to drive an 8 wheeler & got to admit it sometimes makes a nice change to be back on a rigid .

i have 2 friends who have class 2 licenses for the past 15-16 years & have no intention or interest in going upto class1 even though one is on the last remaining rigid on his employers fleet & the other is always being offered by hiss boss to be put through he just not interested . both do hard manual work & not many stick at it although they been there for years, they just happy to be doing what they’re doing i spose :slight_smile:

I heard the other day that rigid drivers generally have small ■■■■■’s, dont know if this true?

I heard the other day that rigid drivers generally have small ■■■■■’s, dont know if this true?

Obviously you recently had a ■■■■■ enlargement then as you were a rigid driver for a fair while :laughing:

Could be true as the are plenty of big ■■■■■ in artics :laughing:


I heard the other day that rigid drivers generally have small ■■■■■’s, dont know if this true?

Obviously you recently had a ■■■■■ enlargement then as you were a rigid driver for a fair while :laughing:

Could be true as the are plenty of big ■■■■■ in artics :laughing:

The missus loves it, says she’s finally getting the pleasure shes always dreamed of.

I like rigids that you only ever see down narrow country lanes, abit beaten up, with a roped load thats stacked well above the cab. Proper trucks and proper drivers! Not like some ■■■ with a flat trailer flying down the motorway with his straps hooked on the rave flapping about in the wind.