Rigid decker


The SRCL motors carry yellow wheelie-bins of hospital waste on two decks. Used to get in each others way all the time when I drove for NHS. I think SRCL used to be called Cliniserve.

As for the Poundland motors, here is one of my own photos taken earlier this month.
I do hope the driver remembers how high he is.


Would look a lot better with a bigger cab.

But its cheaper to replace an air kit and box than a whole cab when bridge bashing :wink:

The Rustler:

Seen one of them knocking about recently.

However, been seeing these SRCL rigids for a lot longer. Think they do clinical waste out of hospitals?

I presume this outfit is what used to be Whiterose Environmental … think it was part of Yorkshire Water and used to do the hospital waste. Used to have DD wagon and drags, collecting those big wheelie-bins.

I bet the back of them stink too!

I know a chap who is a technician for peugeot, when he did an MoT on a “private ambulance” he had to get in the back to check something (rear wheel arches I guess), that smelt too apparently :cry: :open_mouth:

I passed a pound land decker rigid down by store on Monday. What a monstrosity!

Can see the logic behind them though. Poundland have a lot of crappy awkward shops and I suppose these allow you to get potentially an artics worth of pallets into a shop you can only get a rigid to.



Rich The Stag:
Yes pal, i saw it on the M180 yesterday and i had to look twice :smiley: .You were right,the poor driver looked terrified and it sure was rocking! Has it come to a point now that companies are now trying to find any way they can to cram more payload on. Would like to know which manufacturer built the bodywork and how hard it was tested. It didnt look safe to me. :confused:


What next w&d double decker combi? Monster of a truck then.

You’ve not been reading have you. They already do w&d deckers :unamused:

I saw that post but in the 8 years as hgv driving ive not seen one w&d decker pushing 16’ high. Any photos of one knocking about?

most car transports are W&D they run at 16 . so cant see the difference really

have a gander here

Difference is a car transporter will have a much lower centre of gravity because the trailers don’t have solid axles.


I passed a pound land decker rigid down by store on Monday. What a monstrosity!

Can see the logic behind them though. Poundland have a lot of crappy awkward shops and I suppose these allow you to get potentially an artics worth of pallets into a shop you can only get a rigid to.

26 ton box rigids aren’t really that helpful for getting into tight places though. I reckon quite often if you could get a 26t box rigid in you’d get a full blown artic in too. You can definitely get single axle urban artic trailers into places you can’t get an 18 tonner in so I can’t really see how it makes sense for them.

I reckon the combination of warehouse staff’s inability to distinguish between heavy and light pallets and careless driving and these will keep recovery operators busy. If they do topple over and crush a car driver to death they’ll comply with VOSA’s load security matrix so that’s all good. :unamused:

I started off driving 18 and 26t decker rigids on clinical waste in '05. That was for eurocare, who were taken over by stg, and irish firm. Stg and whiterose were the two main clinical waste firms about until srcl (American) bought them both. '07ish, upset the monopolies and mergers lot.
Anyway, went to all the hospitals in South and Mid Wales, and Bristol. Apart from collecting the occasional set of Xmas lights, they were ok to drive.

Probably poundland boss is starting to use these so he only has to fork out class 2 money.

andy stephenson from elton ( stockton ) has 2 w+d deckers , renaults 520 magnum cabs, gets 50+ pallets of eggs on !!

i drive a d/decker for srcl ,there ok can rock n roll a bit in windy weather but never felt like its going over . our w&d driver complains about the tip sensor on his breaking for him .
yes some of the bins smell but bins are washed and disinfected everyday so back of the trucks smell like mazipan most of the time .

Seen poundland double decker on A14. But this was an urban trailer 8 or 10 meters