Reversing an artic

It will & does get easier with time & practice I know form experience it not alway easy

If you can find somewhere to practice then do so dont be afraid to ask

I agree 100% and don’t give up because credit where credits due you did extremely well to get it where you did, it’s just a pity that the Anderson lead wouldn’t reach, just remember in situations like that it doesn’t have to be square on the bay

Thank you.

But if it is angled, then how do you get pallets onto the bay, surely pallet truck is gonna fall down with the pallet. I had 26 pallets to deliver, handballing wouldn’t be an option.

From the diagram, I think you make a great job of it. But make sure you’ve got a long enough wander lead.

Pete :laughing: :laughing:

Thank you.

But if it is angled, then how do you get pallets onto the bay, surely pallet truck is gonna fall down with the pallet. I had 26 pallets to deliver, handballing wouldn’t be an option.

You need to get the N/S corner of the trailer as close to the bay as possible then drop the tail lift down on top of the bay, failing that you can always kick the trailer over a bit as you’re reversing in to lessen the angle, I hope that makes sense it’s hard to explain in words

What others are saying is true, you won’t be sent somewhere that an artic can’t go, at least at this early stage. Forget the jobsworths who say that “the normal driver can do it” you’re not the normal driver, you’re the driver who is newly passed and still chipping into the 25 years experience the normal driver has. You do it at your own pace, and let no one rush you.

I used to stuggle like crazy, and like you be incredibly worried about where I was going and how I was going to cope when I got there - but you manage, you improvise, adapt and overcome your fears.

The biggest mistake that people make is that they over compensate for the direction the trailer is going instead of waiting to see what happens with it. Take your seatbelt off and hang well and truly out the window and take it slow, always check mirrors and just let the combination do its thing.

You will get there, we all do. I thought I never would but you do. Relax a little and enjoy it.

Cheers! I must admit been on simulator a few hours and it does help in understanding turning cycles/angles of a trailer when reversing. Being able to experiment with full lock reverse and slight turnings of the wheel. I must admit I like a system, not driving by feel, but knowing exactly what happens when wheel turned in various increments.

I was at breaking point today. Poundworld in Swindon. Town centre, reversing through traffic/shoppers, through gates angular reverse, then hard lock to get back to turn 90 degrees and no way to straighten out cab as cars parked in yard (not staff’s), but tail lift cable too short to to connect, [zb]!!! 2.5 hours it took me. I just want to quit now.

I know where you are in Swindon our shop is down the other end of the road yours isnt easy you did well to get in that well as said 2 Anderson leads will cure the problem but if poundworld are like oyr lot you dont find out these things till your there and its a tad late.


In a lot of situations a full lock reverse is the last thing you want to be doing, you have to get the timing perfect or you’ll never get it straight again. With a bit less lock you can apply more or less lock as necessary as you go towards where you want to be. Obviously in some cases you have no choice and that’s why they’re difficult to do, if you don’t start winding the lock off at the right time then it all goes horribly wrong.

If instead of trying to reverse into Edgeware road first go past it turn left left again to the top and left again it will bring you alongside the bay on your good side.
It will give you more of a chance to line yourself up to make it easier to reverse in.

Just new to it myself , with practice it will all come in the end and you’ll wonder what all the fuss was about , where I work we do a lot into small timber yards where there is no turning its mostly reverse into tight spaces , we also do general haulage to allsorts of places , just take it slow and you’ll be fine , don’t throw the towel in you’ll manage , struggled a little here and there but managed in the end and you’ll manage too , all the best and some great advice on previous posts take note take it slow and easy that seems to be the key, here’s a couple of photos of my escapades



If you want to have a go yourself there’s 75% off Eurotruck Simulator at the moment.

Cheers! I must admit been on simulator a few hours and it does help in understanding turning cycles/angles of a trailer when reversing. Being able to experiment with full lock reverse and slight turnings of the wheel. I must admit I like a system, not driving by feel, but knowing exactly what happens when wheel turned in various increments.

I’ve just downloaded it and the mrs bought me a steering wheel with pedals :stuck_out_tongue: I’m now practicing hanging my head out of the window reversing with one hand on the wheel :sunglasses:

For what the OP want there’s another game version by same maker called Trucks and Trailers where all you do is move and reverse trailers. I’ve been playing for a bit and its good at understanding how trailers react.

Can you have RHD option on trucks and trailers?

Can you have RHD option on trucks and trailers?

When you’re doing quick jobs you get RHD on jobs that start in the UK, otherwise it’s LHD.

If you’re buying a truck you either need to get it from a UK dealer or you need to click the customise button and then the interior button. You can then select the UK version of the interior.

EDIT: Oh bother, I didn’t realise you were talking about a different game. :blush:

As far as I can tell Trucks and Trailers is only LHD. Looked at all the trucks and can’t find a RHD. Still good to show trailer movements and such.
But I don’t have CE yet so it’s just my opinion! For all I know a real artic might react differently but then I still like to practice on it by putting truck at different angles and see if I can get it near.

EDIT : There are RHD truck in Trucks and Trailers - found some didn’t know they were there!!

Cheers! I must admit I like a system, not driving by feel, but knowing exactly what happens when wheel turned in various increments.

Maybe this is your problem. Every reverse is different, especially when away from loading bays in RDCs. There’s no system for reversing across a car park with cars abandoned everywhere, you just have to feel your way through.

When reversing artics you have to think fast, even when you’re only reversing slowly. You gotta consider where your trailer is pointing, how much lock you have on, when you’re gonna take said lock off and how much, what’s the cab doing etc etc. All at the same time. Trying to work out how many degrees to turn the wheel while doing all this is only going to confuse the matter.

‘Feel’ is exactly what you need :smiley:


I agree. I think what I was trying to say is that one needs to learn to properly understand how to maneuvre a trailer and then it becomes second nature or feel.

Found some very good instructional videos by Jimmy Cox


Honestly. Don’t stress, just go very slow. I drove an artic last week for the first time in over 2 years (and that was my test) think about what you’re doing, I even put my hands on the steering wheel to replicate the unit and trailer. Only for a second though, bent the bugger straight in. Way more tricky than the test reverse. Guy doing the assessment was proper chuffed, was mega slow, freely admit I made it up as I went along, but it’s boosted my confidence by about 1000%

Thanks man. I think my 40 y/o brain has gone proper rusty :slight_smile: I keep watching that video I posted over and over and over again and it helps to get hands to steer without thinking too much “which way do I turn now??!!!” LOL

It’s not a race. I’ll be honest with you, reversing scared the life out of me, so much that I stayed on class 2 for 2 years. But to be honest, how much time does an average driver spend going backwards each day? 5-10 mins tops?

I’ve been sailing around Central London all that time in class 2, doubting my abilities, lol. Whilst all the old school class 2 drivers at our place have itchy teeth or smog intolerance etc etc that keeps them out of the capital.

Get out and have a good old nosey about. Any excuse for a ■■■ if ever there was one (and the site allows)