Renewal of HGV Licence

So I applied online on 28/04 for a D2 pack so I could get my renewal done. So far nothing has landed at home yet. I must say I’m not full of faith in the system if it takes 3 weeks or more to send a bloody form out to my home :blush:

Mine arrived within a few days - certainly less than a week.

I have applied again. God why can’t these things be simples? ?

Well, that was quick! Sent my email off to DVLA on Friday:

My LGV entitlement was due to expire later this year (August, I think) and I was expecting to be required to undergo a medical examination and complete a medical form D4 at that time. However, I renewed the photograph on my licence earlier this year (and had some expired endorsements removed at the same time).

My new licence arrived recently and I can see that the expiry/renewal date is 2019 - i.e. 5 years from now. Do I need to complete a Form D4 to retain my LGV entitlement - or will it be revoked in August as it will then be five years since my last medical?

Their reply popped into my Inbox this morning (proving, if nothing else, that DVLA can move quickly when they feel like it!):

Thank you for your email received on 16/5/14. Your email reference number is .

I can confirm if the expiry date on the back of your photocard now shows that it expires in 2019, you will not need to complete a D4 and D2 renewal form.

Well, I’ve had a look and the expiry date (for both photocard and LGV groups) is 10th Feb 2019…

I suppose the final “proof” will not be seen until later this year - if I am wrong, I will be receiving a D47P some time in June or July and I will owe Dieseldoforme an apology :wink:

Just waited 9 weeks for renew had to get a letter sent to work
to continue to drive was panicking as needed for part 5 of dpq
just arrived in time

If you read the renewal form there is a box you can tick which you form keep your old licence for work purpose which will help with the letter from DVLA when doing Euro work.

Thank you for your email received on 16/5/14…

I can confirm if the expiry date on the back of your photocard now shows that it expires in 2019, you will not need to complete a D4 and D2 renewal form.

I suppose the final “proof” will not be seen until later this year - if I am wrong, I will be receiving a D47P some time in June or July and I will owe Dieseldoforme an apology :wink:

“Driver X” has shown me the Driving Licence Card and the letter from DVLA. It went something like “Our records show that your HGV entitlement expires at midnght on ■■/■■/2014.”

That date is five years exactly since his last medical.
But the CE entitlement on the Licence Card is valid for another 4+ years and that is exactly five years after he renewed the photo.
He has no medical restrictions whatsoever.

The letter also contained D47P, INF4D and INF5D. Form INF4D leaves me in no doubt that a medical is required every five years between age 45 to 65.

At the end of the day, we need to know if we have a dicky ticker or the likelyhood of a diabetes black out.

Did these drivers have a dicky ticker?

Or a bout of plain stupidity ?

Bloody amazing, i sent 2 letters of complaint to DVLA and one of them was to the Chief Executive, but dont hold out much hope for a responsible reply. Anyway today i received a letter from them to state that They are considering my fitness to drive a GROUP 2 ( lorry or Bus ) now thats puzzling seeing that i have held a GROUP 1 since the world began, unless i`m getting confused with group and Class, the letter goes on to say they have decided i should have an exercise ECG, i feel like swearing, Tut, Tut…There is no decision to be made on this, as its part of their own rules, that an ECG should be carried out every 3 years, and this is my 3rd year, just shows they dont know their arse from their elbow, anyway at least things are moving along nicely, I have to book the appointment at the Hospital, and no sooner than 7 days after receiving the letter ( dont know why ) as i have to tell them it is a DVLA test for driving licence purposes, maybe the hospital has to be pre-informed, but there you go, they will allow 3 weeks to receive the test results, and several more weeks after that to process due to high work loads, and if they have to write to my doctor or consultant, they will write to me to let me know, how considerate.
I have noticed however that they no longer pay for postage on paperwork they want returned.

They are considering my fitness to drive a GROUP 2 ( lorry or Bus ) now thats puzzling seeing that i have held a GROUP 1 since the world began, unless i`m getting confused with group and Class,

You are getting confused :slight_smile: “Group 2 Licenses” include goods vehicles of classes C1, C1+E, C, C+E and buses of classes D1, D1+E, D, D+E.

I don’t have a heavy goods now as I am retired but lost my car one March 2013 due to taking blackouts caused by the coughing associated with a chest infection my last blackout was 18th April 2013. It took me 13months to get it back despite letters from Doctor,Chest specialist and MP. I too got the 12 week treatment every time the paper work went in from each of these people. Maybe the best bet would be not to contact them at all!!!. That way they would have nothing to waste 12wks on. Eddie.

Cheers Roymondo, thats cleared up the confusion in my old age :laughing:

Hi all,
I’m looking for help and advice regarding the re-instatement of my licence.It was revoked after I was involved in an accident last year. After the crash I was taken to hospital with a broken limb,and suffered a nasty blow to the head,initially I had no recollection of the incident .According to the medical profession,memory loss is not uncommon after head trauma although I’ve had flashbacks and since regained more memory of what happened,which was I swerved to avoid an object that had come from the van in front and struck I high kerb,hitting my head with some force in the process.
The police attended the scene but never questioned or spoke to me. Neither did they investigate the accident as it occurred on private ground and they had no interest in it. They then sent a report to DVLA saying I “blacked out” at the wheel,but without proof/evidence or any investigation taken place! (only found this out as I contacted the police a few weeks later!)
I’ve since had extensive cardio and neurological tests,all of which have proved clear/normal and I’m in good health.

I’ve since passed a medical and presented this to the DVLA though it appears they refuse to accept this because of the initial, unsubstantiated police report.
I’m at a loss as to what I do next and would be grateful for any help or advice. :confused: :confused:

… would be grateful for any help or advice. :confused: :confused:

This may help.

Ah the standard it’ll be 12 weeks reply I had that in October it’s been 13 months now and still waiting it really is a joke , if this job isn’t stressful enough they like to stress you out just that little bit more with the thought of being out of job

Well, “Driver X” decided to avoid all the uncertainty and paid £51 to DOCTORS ON WHEELS for a medical.

He passed with flying colours but that will be his final medical because he does not intend to take any more DriverCPC courses.

He will retire gracefully - unless the DriverCPC is discontinued after 2019. He would then like to do just two days a week - (just enough to earn the 10 grand tax free allowance -and it’s £10,500 from next April - athough his State Pension would be taxed as earnings at 20 percent.)

He wouldn’t pay any National Insurance either, as by then he would be 65 and therefore exempt from paying NI.

Good on ya, Old Boy, you got it all sussed out. I like your style !