Renault premium trailer release valve

So how come if you put petrol in a diesel engine fuel tank it wont er go.
Petrol is more flammable than crappy old engine oil but for some reason the old diesel motor just cant be assed running anymore even when you inject it at the right time!

odd eh!

Hi Bking,

It’s not odd at all once one understands a couple of words and then use them correctly. :wink:

You’re correct that petrol is more flammable than diesel.
Flammability is based on flashpoint.
Flashpoint is a temperature.
The flashpoint for a flammable liquid is the temperature at which it just begins to evaporate an ignitable flammable vapour.
The various flammable liquids have quite varying flashpoints.

The flashpoint for petrol is approx -40 deg C
The flashpoint for diesel is approx +65 deg C

However, the flashpoint has absolutely NOTHING to do with the reason that a diesel engine can’t run on petrol.

The next phrase one needs to understand is “Automatic Ignition Temperature” (AIT.)
An easy way to think of AIT is that it is the temperature (=amount of heat) needed to ignite something.
For instance, the AIT for paper is a lower figure than the AIT for coal.

The AIT for petrol is approx 380 deg C
The AIT for diesel is approx 220 deg C

A diesel engine can easily achieve 220 deg C all on its own and therefore can ignite its own fuel/air mix without the use of a spark plug, provided it’s injected at the right time as you’ve said.

A petrol engine cannot achieve the 380 deg C needed to ignite its fuel/air mix, hence the need for spark plugs, which let combustion take place at a lower engine temperature.

Given the march of technology, wouldn’t you think that, if it were possible, the engine manufacturers would have done away with spark plugs already?

For any given flammable liquid, there is absolutely NO connection between its flashpoint (flammability) and its AIT (the temperature needed start its vapour/air mixture burning.)

:bulb: The answer lies in knowledge of the properties of the fuel, rather than any mechanical knowledge. :smiley:

And the AIT for engine oil is?


While we’re at it, what happens when a diesel runs away on it’s engine oil. I’ve heard that’s impossible. :laughing:

So how come if you put petrol in a diesel engine fuel tank it wont er go.
Petrol is more flammable than crappy old engine oil but for some reason the old diesel motor just cant be assed running anymore even when you inject it at the right time!

odd eh!

but you are not injecting engine oil :wink: or is that the bit you do not understand ,why not try a practical test on an engine yourself with some old engine oil :laughing:

And the AIT for engine oil is?

It wouldn’t matter what Dave said the temperature was, you’d still spout some bollox and call him a ■■■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■ ■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■.

It aint what you say fella, it’s the way you say it!

I have two seperate theories on what you look like; the first one is that you’re six stone wet through, geeky looking and wouldn’t say boo to a goose, or else you’re a normal sized guy with cauliflower ears, multiple broken nose and lots of facial scars as you are indeed a mouth on a stick in real life too!


While we’re at it, what happens when a diesel runs away on it’s engine oil. I’ve heard that’s impossible. :laughing:

At last your learning.

Now why do you have a cam position sensor bright eyes?

Eeeerm, could it be so that the ecu knows where the camshaft is ?

And why have you started calling me names, is it cos you’re only 12 ?



While we’re at it, what happens when a diesel runs away on it’s engine oil. I’ve heard that’s impossible. :laughing:

At last your learning.

Now why do you have a cam position sensor bright eyes?

Eeeerm, could it be so that the ecu knows where the camshaft is ?

And why have you started calling me names, is it cos you’re only 12 ?

Where the camshaft is? has it gone home for its tea or run off with the fairies.
Might be Ahh forget it you

busy fool:

Yes he can locate it,pay 500 quid to change it and it wont make the slightest bloody difference,when he could have spent 15 quid for a self seal valve and a C coupling and got a result!


i had the same problem handbrake releasing realy slow changed the said valve cured the problem

Nobody likes to look like a sucker when they have been ripped off do we !

Big fella behind a keyboard, but then I s’pose you have to get your kicks somewhere. Now where’s that impossible to run away diesel again… oh it’s only in master mechanics thick head :laughing: