Relaxation of drivers hours


  1. The cost of change. There is so much eu legislation that is part of our law that there just isn’t the civil service bandwidth to look at changing any of it unless it has a very high political payback. Driver hours would be number 5,654 on their list of priorities.

  2. The daily mail (sorry to swear). Can you imagine any politician who changed driver hours to make some transport company happy and then 5 year old Johnny got run over because a driver looked tired. They wouldn’t dare for the same reason that they didn’t dare raise the speed limit to 80 despite being advised too. No politician would want to take the flack.

The idea of leaving the EU is so that EU legislation is ‘no longer’ part of our law.On that note how difficult can it be and how long would it need to take to say that EU regs no longer apply regarding UK operations.In which case domestic regs are already there as the obvious default choice.12 hours minimum daily rest amendment to that job done.With the win win that the politicians can then actually claim less tired drivers in that case.


Brexit or not the hours laws will not change or be relaxed. Simple.


Two reasons.

  1. The cost of change. There is so much eu legislation that is part of our law that there just isn’t the civil service bandwidth to look at changing any of it unless it has a very high political payback. Driver hours would be number 5,654 on their list of priorities.

  2. The daily mail (sorry to swear). Can you imagine any politician who changed driver hours to make some transport company happy and then 5 year old Johnny got run over because a driver looked tired. They wouldn’t dare for the same reason that they didn’t dare raise the speed limit to 80 despite being advised too. No politician would want to take the flack.

(that’s a pretty good 100 th post I think).

But didn’t people vote Brexit to remove us from all this EU Regulation that is holding the businesses back? Which is why the far right, and toffs voted for it??



  1. The cost of change. There is so much eu legislation that is part of our law that there just isn’t the civil service bandwidth to look at changing any of it unless it has a very high political payback. Driver hours would be number 5,654 on their list of priorities.

  2. The daily mail (sorry to swear). Can you imagine any politician who changed driver hours to make some transport company happy and then 5 year old Johnny got run over because a driver looked tired. They wouldn’t dare for the same reason that they didn’t dare raise the speed limit to 80 despite being advised too. No politician would want to take the flack.

The idea of leaving the EU is so that EU legislation is ‘no longer’ part of our law.On that note how difficult can it be and how long would it need to take to say that EU regs no longer apply regarding UK operations.In which case domestic regs are already there as the obvious default choice.12 hours minimum daily rest amendment to that job done.With the win win that the politicians can then actually claim less tired drivers in that case.

The won’t change it to less hours though. Trucks are safer now, they will push the hours the other way.

But didn’t people vote Brexit to remove us from all this EU Regulation that is holding the businesses back? Which is why the far right, and toffs voted for it??

It was actually more Labour voters than Cons who rightly voted for it.On the basis that for every EU rule in favour of the workers there are more in favour of the guvnors.You know things like tachos so the guvnor knows exactly when you stop for an unauthorised break and 15 hour shifts.Not to mention free movement of cheap labour from east to west. :unamused:

The won’t change it to less hours though. Trucks are safer now, they will push the hours the other way.

The idea is to open a dialogue between uk workers and their bosses.Without the interference of people like Juncker having the final say in enforcing 15 hour shifts for example.In which case as I said the bosses might possibly push for more then it’s up to the workers to push back.What is certain is that there is no chance of pushing back against and gaining anything from EU regs unlike domestic ones. :bulb:


The won’t change it to less hours though. Trucks are safer now, they will push the hours the other way.

The idea is to open a dialogue between uk workers and their bosses.Without the interference of people like Juncker having the final say in enforcing 15 hour shifts for example.In which case as I said the bosses might possibly push for more then it’s up to the workers to push back.What is certain is that there is no chance of pushing back against and gaining anything from EU regs unlike domestic ones. :bulb:

I know that is the wish. I just can’t see drivers pushing back against the bosses to any good effect though.

I have been in the business since 1985, it isn’t in UK driver’s make up to stick together for the greater good

Plus, there is a infinite supply of ‘drivers’ to fill saddles in the near continent, and this will not be stopped by new trade deals which will have levels of migration written in.

I hope I am wrong about this, but I seriously think what remains of UK workers, (as I am one) is just about to get shafted massively.



Brexit or not the hours laws will not change or be relaxed. Simple.


Two reasons.

  1. The cost of change. There is so much eu legislation that is part of our law that there just isn’t the civil service bandwidth to look at changing any of it unless it has a very high political payback. Driver hours would be number 5,654 on their list of priorities.

  2. The daily mail (sorry to swear). Can you imagine any politician who changed driver hours to make some transport company happy and then 5 year old Johnny got run over because a driver looked tired. They wouldn’t dare for the same reason that they didn’t dare raise the speed limit to 80 despite being advised too. No politician would want to take the flack.

(that’s a pretty good 100 th post I think).

But didn’t people vote Brexit to remove us from all this EU Regulation that is holding the businesses back? Which is why the far right, and toffs voted for it??

Jesus wept, all 17 million votes were from the far right and toffs?

I know that is the wish. I just can’t see drivers pushing back against the bosses to any good effect though.

I have been in the business since 1985, it isn’t in UK driver’s make up to stick together for the greater good

Plus, there is a infinite supply of ‘drivers’ to fill saddles in the near continent, and this will not be stopped by new trade deals which will have levels of migration written in.

I hope I am wrong about this, but I seriously think what remains of UK workers, (as I am one) is just about to get shafted massively.

In which case how does staying with the status quo of the EU fix that.Bearing in mind that it’s free movement which is the problem regards an infinite supply of cheap east euro labour among all the other guvnor friendly EU legislation.

As for any deal which just trades EU for EEA member state see above.Nothing changes in that case because all the existing regs have to remain in place.IE the EU in whatever form is the problem not the solution.

As for the issue of lack of solidarity among the uk workforce.That’s a totally different issue which is obviously as bad whether we remain ( EU or EEA ) or we leave properly.What is certain is that it’s no good relying on European workers or Juncker etc to fix that issue.

I find 15 hour days exhausting and only do odd weekends, so hats off to you full timers who do it regularly. I could do it in my 30s but not now 25 years later.


I would be in favour of some tweaking of it yes, then again I work for a company who never pushes you on so its just for my own advantage, making time back after being delayed, reaching desired parking places, home at the end of a week earlier etc etc

Should definitely be 10 hour drives across the board. 15 hour days everyday wouldn’t mind and trucks should all be 60mph not 56

Not being funny mate, and no offence, but maybe they don’t push you because judging by your opinions here they won’t have to, as it sounds like you are quite happy to work as long as they want you to…own advantage or not.
Who the [zb] wants to work 15 hours and drive 10 every bloody day? :open_mouth:
I certainly do not want to spend 80plus hours sat in a [zb] truck, ■■■■■■■■ to that there is more to life.

This is why the job is like it is because many drivers are willing to work every single hour in the day for that ‘straight through rate’ :unamused:

A better system to get us into proper 21st Century working conditions would be cut the hours with a revised pay structure of 40 plus overtime, the hours would then take care of the bottom line of your wages, as it once was…before drivers handed it all back on a plate in favour of longer hours, a classic turkey voting for Christmas scenario.

Basic rate for first 8 hours of the day, and overtime at time and half after that. That way the day men can earn a reasonable wage, and those that tramp and do more hours get fully compensated for it…
It’s bloody crazy that some firms offer a quid extra an hour as overtime, and it’s even crazier that some drivers jump at it. :unamused:

12 hr day max. Any mix of driving or other work. The only reason the refuse workers are “crying out ti work Saturdays” is because it’s the only way they can make the take home money ok. If the likes of Ms Donovan were paying employees properly they’d not be so desperate to do the overtime.

I don’t see what the problem is with relaxing the rules.
Most jobs are long hours.
If you where doing waste collections on 10 hours a day shifts I really don’t see what the problem is doing 6 day weeks all the time.
The problem is most of the Regs are based on long distance haulage.
I use to manage a company that had 20 land rovers and towing so combined weight was over 3.5 ton so had to comply with EU Regs.
It was normal construction workers that didn’t have a clue.
They drove roughly an hour maybe a bit more sometimes less and had to abide by the Regs.
It’s a farce really.

Brexit or not the hours laws will not change or be relaxed. Simple.

^^^ This they will be like several other countries & have an agreement to work to this

I don’t see what the problem is with relaxing the rules.
Most jobs are long hours.
If you where doing waste collections on 10 hours a day shifts I really don’t see what the problem is doing 6 day weeks all the time.
The problem is most of the Regs are based on long distance haulage.
I use to manage a company that had 20 land rovers and towing so combined weight was over 3.5 ton so had to comply with EU Regs.
It was normal construction workers that didn’t have a clue.
They drove roughly an hour maybe a bit more sometimes less and had to abide by the Regs.
Now you trying telling a lad that sorry mate u can’t work a Saturday night shift on double bubble paid 12 hours for 6 hours work.
They were losing thousands a year for driving a L/R trailer.
It’s a farce really.