Sorry I missed your post earlier 
Thanks for your reply Tachograph
“A company has a legal obligation to monitor the drivers hours and to ensure that the driver complies with the RT(WT)R 2005.”
Would you by any chance be able to let me know where exactly such a statement could be found in all these regulations?
This is a very important piece of info you’ve just supplied.
Road Transport (Working Time)Regulations 2005 - Information and records ↓
- An employer of a mobile worker shall
(a)request from each mobile worker details of any time worked by that worker for another employer;
(b)include time worked for another employer in the calculation of the mobile worker’s working time;
(c)keep records which are adequate to show whether the requirements of these Regulations are being complied with in the case of each mobile worker employed by him to whom they apply;
(d)retain such records for at least two years after the end of the period covered by those records;
(e)provide, at the request of a mobile worker, a copy of the record of hours worked by that worker;
(f)provide to an enforcement officer copies of such records relating to mobile workers as the officer may require;
(g)provide to a mobile worker or enforcement officer copies of such documentary evidence in the employer’s possession as may be requested by the worker or officer in relation to records provided to him in accordance with paragraph (e) or (f) above.
Road Transport (Working Time)Regulations 2005 - Working Time ↓
(8) An employer shall take all reasonable steps, in keeping with the need to protect the health and safety of the mobile worker,
to ensure that the limits specified above are complied with in the case of each mobile worker employed by him.
Lets assume the driver has been working for one employer only during the current reference period.
“A company also has a legal obligation to supply the driver with a copy of the drivers hours on request.”
This above is also very important.
Thank you Tacho
Section 11 paragraph (e) in the first link link and quote above ↓
provide, at the request of a mobile worker, a copy of the record of hours worked by that worker;
I have to add that whilst some people will interpret the regulations as meaning that the employer is solely responsible for seeing that a driver complies with the RT(WT)R, I don’t see how anyone can legally negate their own responsibility to remain legal (that’s if they care about staying within the RT(WT)R anyway