Recording 2nd job hours

Thanks for the replies, my main job is not driving related and only counts towards WTD. I plan to drive maybe once a week but if I can’t get work could be 2/3 weeks apart etc so putting in 2/3 weeks of work into the Tacho could be a bit tedious which is why I was looking towards paper records but if needs be I’ll record them on paper then just sit there and enter them in when I drive.

The amount of information required is slightly different if a fixed week passes without any in-scope driving contained within it. The fixed week is Monday 00:00 to Sunday 24:00.

In a week with in-scope driving, a full record should be kept. This is a full breakdown of every day and including work, breaks, rest etc.

In a week without in-scope driving (without getting too in-depth and complicated about it), you definitely need to record your weekly rest and your final daily rest if you are going direct from that into EU driving the following week.

Make sure your name is on the tachograph paper and write the blocks as necessary.