Surely it should be called a Gherkin jar? Gherkin jar for jerkin ya Gherkin!
There was a dirty [zb] working in our yard that would ■■■■ in a bottle and leave it under the bedinevitably it would burst or the top would come off, cab stank rotten. What makes it worse the cabs are double shifted and no nights out! A different driver every shift so couldn’t find out who did it! Not pointing any fingers but there are alot of Poles whose hygiene was suspect to say the least!!!
we had a bloke leave a turd in a carrier bag behind the passenger was found by a fitter who was trying to fix the night heater they sacked him
we had a bloke leave a turd in a carrier bag behind the passenger was found by a fitter who was trying to fix the night heater they sacked him
That seems a little harsh. But I guess that’ll teach him to go looking in carrier bags when he is supposed to be fixing the night heater.
Surely it should be called a Gherkin jar? Gherkin jar for jerkin ya Gherkin!