Re stateside windup

Craig 111:
They certainly have started to bite though. Let’s hope for their sake you don’t park up next to any proud loud mouth in a 379 this week!

Lets hope for my sake I don’t park up next to a proud loudmouth in a 379…who happens to be bigger than me who also puts two and two together when he sees my Volvo emblazoned with Union Jacks and Cliff Warby on the side! :smiley: I might wake up in the morning with my tyres slashed :open_mouth:

Mmm, dont drive yet, but think I might go and have a say aswell…LOL


Now I’ve got 'em really wound up! :laughing:

Davell, you said about them mentioning the War, well I just mentioned the current one :laughing: and how it is’nt quite going as well as they thought it would :laughing:

have now posted should get them all a bit wound up i hope :laughing:
i am not driving over here yet but the septics dont know that :exclamation: :wink:

Come on! everyone, whoever has’nt ‘done their bit’ needs to go over to the ‘septics’ site and join in the fray! :laughing:

cliff i think you have upset poor old snake eyes hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhhahahahahhhahahhhhhaaaa :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

iv’e just registered on the american site with the name tommy tank :laughing:

shall join you in the wind up shortly


seems the bit where i mentioned old 70’s 80’s tv movies got them biting


I’ll have to go and check it out again, kinda got bored with it for a while, especially when Snakey eyes lost his ‘bottle’! :laughing:

cliff i think you have upset poor old snake eyes hahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahhahaahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhhahahahahhhahahhhhhaaaa :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

You got that right Caveman, ol’ Snakey eyes lost his ‘bottle’, threw his toys out of the pram and retreated! :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: