Random alcohol and drug tests

Looks like the police use these still.
Impairment Test

If there is to be random drug and drink testing it has to be of a uniform standard & carried out by a trained impartial doctor, What next the tyre fitter taking blood samples?

There are too many variables on this type of random testing and a bloke may lose his job because a depot supervisor has misread a result.

random drug and alcohol test are a good idea. I’ve often bought coke that’s been but down with talc, it’s a rip off!

Oh that’s not what you meant

Random ■■?

From some online dictionary or other . . .

lacking any definite plan or prearranged order: a random sample

That’s what I have a problem with. And the same applies to “random” searches.

I’m an arrogant arse.

As to the “innocent have nothing to hide” - I agree. For me it’s not about hiding, it’s about protection. Protection of my dignity.

If “you” suspect me of doing something I shouldn’t be doing - stand square in front of me and make the accusation. Then prove your accusation. Without my assistance !! I won’t hinder you, but by the same token, I won’t assist you.

It really is that simple.

And I’m a little surprised to see (ex ■■) servicemen taking the line of

i am all for it as i have nothing to hide. the people getting angry about it obviously have!

“If you have nothing to hide . . . blahblahblah” is right up there in the collection of stupid things to say, with “Expect the unexpected” :unamused:

for Qhunter,
Not sure what it is you are disagreeing about? :confused: :confused: :confused:

Is it that a few years ago you took some medication that contained codeine and when recently ‘BUPA’ screened there wasn’t a positive for morphine ■■
or were you drug tested whilst you where taking the medication and the drug screen still didn’t show a morphine positve result ■■

Pharmacology :-
Codeine is considered a prodrug, since it is metabolised by the liver in to the primary active compounds morphine and codeine-6-glucuronide.[6][7] Roughly 5-10% of codeine will be converted to morphine, with the remainder either free, conjugated to form codeine-6-glucuronide (~70%), or converted to norcodeine (~10%) and hydromorphone (~1%). It is less potent than morphine and has a correspondingly lower dependence-liability than morphine. Like all opiates, codeine is addictive unless used infrequently. However, the withdrawal symptoms are relatively mild and as a consequence codeine is considerably less addictive than the other opiates.

The majority of pain relief meds; that are available OTC, in the UK, that contain Codeine or Dihydrocodeine and Paracetamol or Ibuprofen are usually in concentrations of between 8mgs - 12.5mgs, Cod; or DihydCod; with 300mgs - 500mgs of Para; or Ibupro; the recommended dose is usually between 6 - 8 tablets/capsules in a 24hr period. If you took 8 tablets over 24hrs you would have ingested, on average 80mgs of Codeine or Dihydrocodeine and because the Liver works at a set rate to filter out all ingested toxins in the body it would more than likely take around another 24hrs for the metabolised Codeine, now Morphine, to be undetectable on any BASIC urine test. That is if no other doses of the meds; where taken after the initial 6 - 8 over the 24hr period. Daily use of pain relief meds; of this type will consequently take a longer period of time for the liver to flush all traces of the metabolite ‘Morphine’ out of the system and therefore put individuals at risk of providing an opiate positive result when the standard “would you go to the bathroom and pee in this container please” test is administered.

The most widely used urine testing procedures that are carried out at the moment produce results within a few minutes of you “peeing in the container” but this type of test will only identify what is being detected in your urine at that very moment and because the average body works to a set regime, give or take any enduring health problems that might hinder or speed up its performance therefore I think it is obvious that only a snapshot of the situation is obtained for a very short period of time 24/48hrs.

If a positive test is given at this first test time it seems to be that it is then down to the individual to prove their innocence and as I’m sure we all know the brown sticky stuff sticks when it is thrown at you especially if you are accused of taking drugs. Also any further analysis of the sample provided is not only expensive but is time limited because of sample degradation. :wink: :wink:

If a positive test is given at this first test time it seems to be that it is then down to the individual to prove their innocence and as I’m sure we all know the brown sticky stuff sticks when it is thrown at you especially if you are accused of taking drugs. Also any further analysis of the sample provided is not only expensive but is time limited because of sample degradation. :wink: :wink:

Exactly why I am against company drug testing, as I have been on prescription painkillers for over 45 years, not daily, not regularly but when needed. If it isnt Codeine Phosphate, it is Ibuprofen or Diclofenac. I know I am not the only one and as Dave Penn has explained, the brown stuff sticks.

My concern precisely. I have no problem with testing per se, but would have to be confident that the administrator of any such test was made aware of my rather long list of regular medications so that they can be excluded from any results.

There is a drug and alcohol test policy on our site. ANY injury accident, near miss or RTA requires the individuals involved to be tested. I have had one of these tests and it is pretty much as described by Qhunter.

The tester is an accredited collection officer from an outside company. The fact of it being an outside company is so that you can declare any medications without you employer having to know about them (this may include, for example, ■■■■■■). The testing is done at the security office and in a separate office that can be secured for privacy. The tester will also get you to wash your hands before touching any part of the collection paraphenalia, he will wear sterile gloves. We are allowed, and can choose, a witness to the procedure from any other employee on site and the urine sample is taken in a single toilet closet with all water supplies capped or dyed to prevent dilution as the tester remains outside the only door, there is no external window, until the sample is provided. He will also check the temperature of the sample to confirm is is consistent with CORE BODY HEAT.

The test itself is a card with 6 different reagent strips that is placed in a sample and with indicate NEGATIVE if no reagents are detected. If reagents are detected this then triggers a test in a laboratory which is the only way to get a positive drug test. The on-site can only give a negative or non-negative result and that is why you have the opportunity to declare all medications so as to discount them. If you have a non-negative test you are suspended on full pay until the lab result is known. You are also given a reciept for both the A and B samples with the name of the company, lab being used and unique bar code label that you have to produce to access your B sample.

I have no knowledge as to the consequences of a positive drugs test that would be seen as marginal but every positive test , and refusal to take a test, is deemed gross misconduct and subject to the disciplinary process with a penalty of dismissal the highest punishment.

I would give my boss a urine sample, but only for a taste test.

thats going too far.
i dont smoke weed.
i did as a teen.
if you have a bit of weed on your night off,
so what.
it wont affect your driving the next day.
like having a few pint of beer.
so what if you have 5 or 6 pints on your time off.
thats not a ■■■■■■■
these two examples might lead to positive tests the following morning.
what a load of crap.
when you park up at night,if convenient to a public house.
whats wrong with having a few beers?
i dont mean going on the ■■■■,just a few.
we did it allour lives,us older ones.
i wont go into the old days in italy.
that was another story.

It’s just been on the news here in Finland that some hay-fever meds can give “false positives” on the drugs tests that the police here are using (I don’t know the details, ie if that’s a blood test or urine test or whatever).

Anyway it seems that some folks have spent a couple of weeks without a driving licence, waiting for the real results to come back from the lab and give them the “all clear” :imp:

Just to let everyone know if you have ever been prescribed, or bought over the pharmacy counter, any painkiller that contains codeine and you are drug tested, urine or blood, you will test positive for morphine

I took this to mean that you were saying that codeine would stay with you forever.

No, sorry, I disagree with this. I was prescribed codeine and paracodeine to deal with a whiplash injury a few years ago and it hasn’t flagged up on our BUPA medscreens.

That was the response to my interpretation of your comment. i.e. that I have in my past taken a course of codeine and it was now undetectable.

just be grateful you dont have to be .00% BAC when driving a truck, as we do in Australia

sorry if someones already pointed this out, its 5am and i cant be bothered reading the whoole thread :laughing:

Just to find out if anyone else interpreted my OP in the same way as Qhunter??

PostPosted: Sun Jul 20, 2008 10:29 pm Post subject: Reply with quote
davepenn54 wrote:

Just to let everyone know if you have ever been prescribed, or bought over the pharmacy counter, any painkiller that contains codeine and you are drug tested, urine or blood, you will test positive for morphine

Qhunter wrote:
I took this to mean that you were saying that codeine would stay with you forever.

Qhunter wrote:
No, sorry, I disagree with this. I was prescribed codeine and paracodeine to deal with a whiplash injury a few years ago and it hasn’t flagged up on our BUPA medscreens.

Qhunter wrote:
That was the response to my interpretation of your comment. i.e. that I have in my past taken a course of codeine and it was now undetectable.

Dave Penn wrote:
I apologise if my OP appeared misleading but I just thought the majority of the forum user’s understood the way their own bodies worked :wink: :wink: :wink

I am sure we are all aware that drugs or alcohol are flushed out of the system over a period of time, 24/48hrs, apart from cannabis which can show a positive result for upto a month if use is frequent & heavy, and I was just highlighting the fact that a particular type of OTC pain relief medication might catch you out by showing an opiate positive result on the BASIC initial urine screen test and then, as others have highlighted, you might be left in limbo whilst further tests are carried out to establish the source of the positive result :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

It does seem that Qhunter is the only poster to have interpreted my post in this way :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: but then again we can’t all be perfik can we■■? :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Hope I’m not randomly drug tested tommorow because I’m just taking 2 DF118 tablets (Dihydrocodeine) and drinking a glass of lager before I get my head down :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Luckily for all other road users I retired 5yrs ago, at age 50, and now I drive a computer from my living room most days and earn a decent wedge and I’m not treated like something that stuck to the bottom of your shoe by some uneducated no-mark at some [zb] RDC in the early hours of any morning of any week :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

auto censor dodge removed …Denis F

i left a job because my employer said he had been having complaints about me looking stoned

problem is my eyelids dont open very far, you could say lazy eye sorta.
wouldnt believe me and started going mental about how itse against the law to take drugs and drive and blah blah blah

now i admit i dabbled in cannabis when i was at high school and up till 2005 but then i left for uni and i stopped smoking it and havnt touched it since,

he asked me to take a drug test but at my expense, so i told him quite royally where to stick his job.

rubbish employer anyway, sending me out 14/15 hour days on my own, overloading every motor he had, having the worst fleet ever - i remember climbing a motorway hill at 20mph in a 7.5 tonner - is that even roadworthy?

I got the ‘breathaliser’ when i was working at O’Connors. They claim its random. But the way it works is that you sign in at the security and if he smells it on your breath he rings over to the traffic office and tells them to send you back to him for a test. “can you go back to the security for a breath test, its just random and nothing personal”, yeah, sure i can i seen him on the fone to ya !!
I passed (i’m sure i posted this before!). When i was tested i was asked if i had had a drink and i replied yes. When i passed the guard rang through the traffic office and told them…“he’s passed, he has had a drink though but he’s under the limit”…to which i was baffled by. I’d either passed or failed?
Here’s a tip, not that i’m condoning excess drinking…if you are breathalised at say 10 am the copper will ask you when you last had a drink. Just say to him i had some lager about half an hour ago i can’t remember how much. The reason for this is simple. If you fail the breath test you will then have a blood sample taken which may clear you. If you tell the copper you last drank at 11pm last night they can calculate that you would of been ‘over the limit’ when you started your shift at say, for example 6am. SO always say you’ve just had a drink, if you’re over you’ll get done. If you’re not you won’t get done based on what you have told them, and currently its not an offence to have a drink before going to work!! Although, it is unadvisable…there’s a tip from me ! :smiley:
And no, i’m not on drugs !

Just to let everyone know if you have ever been prescribed, or bought over the pharmacy counter, any painkiller that contains codeine and you are drug tested, urine or blood, you will test positive for morphine

If one truncates that sentence, it says: If you have ever been prescribed a painkiller that contains codeine you will test positive for morphine.

The operative there being the word ‘ever’. Perhaps you meant to say ‘if you are taking codeine either at the time of, or less than 28days prior to a medscreen you will test positive for morphine’.

Perhaps I’m the only one who has lived and worked with a drink & zero tolerance drugs policy long enough to be able to confidently refute your original statement.

No Qhunter you are not the only person that has worked uner a zero tolerance alccohol & drugs testing policy. I’m quite sure there are a lot of other forum users who are working under the same policy at the moment or have done in the past, but perhaps you are the only person that, for whatever reason has decided to elect yourself the class monitor regarding my use of the English Language :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

I would also ask that if you are going to quote me you actually use the whole sentence that I posted rather a than section of it that appears to justify your interpretation within your own apparent rigid ‘Frame of Reference’.

Dave Penn wrote :-
Just to let everyone know if you have ever been prescribed, or bought over the pharmacy counter, any painkiller that contains codeine and you are drug tested, urine or blood, you will test positive for morphine Shocked Shocked Shocked Shocked :

As I have already asked for forum users to respond if my OP was misinterpreted and apologised if it did, so far the only negative response has been from yourself :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: and that reponse has only really been about the way you interpreted it. At this point in time it does seem you are the only person to have looked at this way??

I think you have completey missed the whole point of my post and find it bizzarre that you can only justify your obvious misunderstanding by trying to point out my misuse of english grammar. :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

BTW I’m sure if you trawl the rest of the forums you will be able to excercise your role as ‘English Class Monitor’ for many years to come. :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Dave Penn; :wink: :wink: :wink:

The company I work for want to start random alcohol and drugs testing

Any idea what drugs they’re offering to test on the drivers, i’d be quite partial to something that’ll keep me awake between 3 & 4am as i get a hell of a dozy on that M74 :laughing:

Dave: It wasn’t my misinterpretation I was worried about. It was the fact that someone else here could have read the ‘ever’ sentence and misinterpreted it based on them not having an understanding of drugs and the body. The sentence wasn’t grammatically incorrect, it was factually incorrect.

Oh- umm, :unamused: :unamused: :unamused: :unamused:

Gotta say, Qhunter, you sound like somebody that made double manninng hard :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

The words pendantic & knowitall come to mind and as I have posted earlier there does only seem to be you who has made this strange personal interpretation of my OP.

Dave Penn;