
Bren No offence intended here but if your union has negotiated a deal where you work for six & get paid for twelve months you can understand why UK firms flag out everything & anything. :wink:

No offence taken. In fact everyone is flagging back in now.
The MSC ship on the rocks in Devon is British flagged but no Brits onboard apart from apprentices.
With the tonnage tax you don’t have to employ British crews, they just have to train so many apprentices (cadets).
I’m on British flagged ships but the amount of British crew is getting less all the time.

back to pulleyns then.

they are not looking for anyone at the moment, they took 2 drivers from fransen transport just before christmas and are not looking to recruit anyone just yet, they do have a list of applicants waiting employment.

they won’t usually take on a new driver - they have previously had drivers that haven’t done the length of time away before and although they have stated that they want to be away for weeks at a time or don’t mind being away for weeks at a time when it’s come to it they cry off and want to come home which makes things difficult for the operations.
they do have a few drivers that do only uk but even they are away for a couple of weeks at a time and i can’t imagine anyone being happy about weekending in the uk.

chances are that if you don’t have fridge experience or haven’t done european work or haven’t spent 3 to 4 weeks away from home at any time then you won’t get a look in because there are still plenty of experienced people looking for exactly that type of work with at least one or all of those qualities.

Sounds like an yank operation…4/5 weeks out,4 days off if your lucky. :laughing: Only difference is yank companies take novices who have no clue what they’re in for . :unamused: hence the 130% turn over rate.

I got talking to one of their drivers a while back,he was on his way back after being away three weeks,and after taking the truck back to the depot he was then going home to Grimsby for a couple of days before starting again.
He did however tell me that Pulleyns don’t pay the driver’s when they are parked up on a Sunday,whether for a weekend break or due to a local driving ban,which seemed rather strange to me.

Most ‘normal’ firms pay at least something for being weekended away,I certainly wouldn’t do it for nothing!

do they do much uk work? that could be a way into the company then move on to euro work.

Not really. The majority of thier work is moving drugs (only becuase I can’t spell pharmacuticals – ok maybe I can).

Which mostly are export abroad. If you see the trucks you’ll know they are carrying drugs when you see the size of the locks on the frikking doors.

Spoken to a couple of ex drivers who said much the same as already on here. Away for multiple weeks and image is everything so be ready to shine. I have an ex Pulleyn 95XF and it was invery good condition when i got it straight from them.

Not really. The majority of thier work is moving drugs (only becuase I can’t spell pharmacuticals – ok maybe I can).

Which mostly are export abroad. If you see the trucks you’ll know they are carrying drugs when you see the size of the locks on the frikking doors.

And I’m sure they will be really chuffed with you publicising that fact on here. :unamused: :unamused: :imp: :smiling_imp:

it seems a bit odd to me that a firm will only recruit drivers who are loyal and have a ten year history as well as being trained on fridges and used to nights away.
the point is they want you to be loyal but they wont take on newbies. :question:
how can you be a loyal driver if you have just jacked your last job to go to them :question:

They know who they want & who they don’t want. They have been at it for years & they know what they are doing.Apply;You got it or you ain’t. :laughing:

Not really. The majority of thier work is moving drugs (only becuase I can’t spell pharmacuticals – ok maybe I can).

Or maybe you can’t :laughing: :wink:

Pharmaceuticals. as per spell checker. so maybe he can :laughing: :laughing:

Not really. The majority of thier work is moving drugs (only becuase I can’t spell pharmacuticals – ok maybe I can).

r slicker:
Pharmaceuticals. as per spell checker. so maybe he
can :laughing: :laughing:

I see no E :wink:

you got your glasses on Bri :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :wink: