Psudo green cobblers

I too do not have a tv set hence no licence.
Every month I received a “threatening letter” from tv licencing.
I had two or three visits from their goons who were soon sent on their way.
Eventually I wrote to tv licencing telling them that the reason my address was
unlicenced was because no - one had purchased one.
I did not think I needed a tv licence for a reason which was none of their business.
I also removed their goons implied right of access to my property.
I signed it “T. H. E. Occupier”.

A reply was received taking note of the above removal of right of implied access.
Also they would not bother me again for two years.

You can find lots of stuff on t’internet or YouTube giving advice on how to
deal with these parasites!



it`s the pr machine that breaks me.they cleverly(to some people)adourn the sides of their trucks with butterflies,trees etc,in an attempt to divert peoples attention from the real impact their operations have on the environment…with all their intensively reared foodstuffs etc.

Agreed, but look at how many people fall for it! They truly have themselves to blame, when the Strictly Come Factor X or Eastenders is more important to people than the wrold around them.

I remember a “man” I knew telling me he would ring me back because Coronation Street was starting.

I never answered the phone to him again.

The place i’m working at the moment,no word of a lie,3 grown men regularly assemble when in the yard,for episodes of emmerdale farm sat around a screen watching tedious hollyoakes style soaps.I remember when this programme at least paid lip service to rural affairs and dealt with pertinent issueswith believable characters,Sam Pearson,Amos Brierley et al but from where i’m sitting I see nothing but a dismal procession of cap toothed flotsam fresh from the home counties.Hardly surising I suppose,I can see the benefits to house bound frail folks,these soaps would be a source of solace but then we are living in degraded times,are we not,when noxious chancers like Simon Cowell are the news instead of the musicians he allegedly ‘promotes’.

I’m being hounded at the moment by tv licence bods who seem to think it implausible that I don’t own a television,I have no intentions of having one,I’ts a sinister device of perception engineering I choose to give a wide berth,subliminal advertising galore,anything worth watching can be procured sans advertising (box sets for instance)The greatest step forward for the human race would be to bin their televisions en masse and cut free from the endless lies of mainstream media news outlets.The cathode ray is almost the perfect mechanism for promoting mass conformity and on the terrible occasions i’ve had to endure any brief exposure to the repulsive denizens of Albert Square,or becomes so blatant that the true purpose of soaps is no longer for flogging detergents,but most definetely for shaping attitudes that show a peverse and utterly bogus view of humanity.

Just finished a book by a chap called John Hamer called ‘the falsification of history’ a hefty tome of around 800 pages but this is a book that needs to be read.It really is a masterpiece that leaves no stone unturned in exposing the lies that have been spun for decades to keep us in chains.Just out of interest has anyone had any dealings with the tv bods?Do they have any genuine power to take you to court if their letters are binned as a matter of course.Handy to know?

Wouldn’t argue with any of that

got rid of our TV 2 years ago.

Sent the licence back with a polite letter asking for a refund, which we got.

Just had a polite letter from TV licencing reminding us that we would need a licence if we’d got a TV.

Wrote back and told them we still don’t have a TV.

GasGas, buddy, I didn’t realise you were so hard up, can’t even afford a TV licence,send me a pm and I’ll buy for one for you, ■■■■,times are really hard for some people.

It is a bit of a con considering you don’t actually need one. If I remember correctly it made the national news as the BBC had failed to tell people that ■■■ amount of people didn’t need one as they don’t watch live TV. Of course they won’t tell anyone, they’ll lose millions of pounds. That soon got brushed under the carpet.

It is a bit of a con considering you don’t actually need one. If I remember correctly it made the national news as the BBC had failed to tell people that ■■■ amount of people didn’t need one as they don’t watch live TV. Of course they won’t tell anyone, they’ll lose millions of pounds. That soon got brushed under the carpet.

I think I read somewhere that you need one even to watch I player on your tablet etc.



it`s the pr machine that breaks me.they cleverly(to some people)adourn the sides of their trucks with butterflies,trees etc,in an attempt to divert peoples attention from the real impact their operations have on the environment…with all their intensively reared foodstuffs etc.

Agreed, but look at how many people fall for it! They truly have themselves to blame, when the Strictly Come Factor X or Eastenders is more important to people than the wrold around them.

I remember a “man” I knew telling me he would ring me back because Coronation Street was starting.

I never answered the phone to him again.

The place i’m working at the moment,no word of a lie,3 grown men regularly assemble when in the yard,for episodes of emmerdale farm sat around a screen watching tedious hollyoakes style soaps.I remember when this programme at least paid lip service to rural affairs and dealt with pertinent issueswith believable characters,Sam Pearson,Amos Brierley et al but from where i’m sitting I see nothing but a dismal procession of cap toothed flotsam fresh from the home counties.Hardly surising I suppose,I can see the benefits to house bound frail folks,these soaps would be a source of solace but then we are living in degraded times,are we not,when noxious chancers like Simon Cowell are the news instead of the musicians he allegedly ‘promotes’.

I’m being hounded at the moment by tv licence bods who seem to think it implausible that I don’t own a television,I have no intentions of having one,I’ts a sinister device of perception engineering I choose to give a wide berth,subliminal advertising galore,anything worth watching can be procured sans advertising (box sets for instance)The greatest step forward for the human race would be to bin their televisions en masse and cut free from the endless lies of mainstream media news outlets.The cathode ray is almost the perfect mechanism for promoting mass conformity and on the terrible occasions i’ve had to endure any brief exposure to the repulsive denizens of Albert Square,or becomes so blatant that the true purpose of soaps is no longer for flogging detergents,but most definetely for shaping attitudes that show a peverse and utterly bogus view of humanity.

Just finished a book by a chap called John Hamer called ‘the falsification of history’ a hefty tome of around 800 pages but this is a book that needs to be read.It really is a masterpiece that leaves no stone unturned in exposing the lies that have been spun for decades to keep us in chains.Just out of interest has anyone had any dealings with the tv bods?Do they have any genuine power to take you to court if their letters are binned as a matter of course.Handy to know?

Hear hear. I left my previous (cushy and well paid) job for reasons broadly similar to the people you describe above. I just couldn’t sit through another breaktime of Jeremy Kyle, Trisha, This Morning etc etc There was more to my decision than that obviously, but it played a part.

Just had a squiz around for reviews of that book, it looks great, will be ordering it forthwith. Thanks very much!