Prospects for the Transport Industry in 2010

Monk I am 61 now and I just can not figure out how things will pan out, I have been through a few recessions but non like this one,we are up to eyes in dept ,we are told there will be big tax rises ,and the old chestnut we need to tighten our belts ho and I forgot global or should I say con warning, I supose it will all work out.

Monk I am 61 now and I just can not figure out how things will pan out, I have been through a few recessions but non like this one,we are up to eyes in dept ,we are told there will be big tax rises ,and the old chestnut we need to tighten our belts ho and I forgot global or should I say con warning, I supose it will all work out.

What we should do is take all the billions of pounds that the banks make say for the next ten years to pay for the mess that they got us into. I think this would a least raise 30 billion so we would not have to raise taxes

i think 2010 is going to be as hard a year as 2009 was

Economics is not my speciality to say the least but if the likes of Stobbarts and Wincanton were to take over the remains of our struggling transport industry would that not equate to a level playing field of sorts ensuring cowboy slavedrivers would be consigned to oblivion and they could then pay the type of wages appropriate for the ridiculous hours we have to work?

Economics is not my speciality to say the least but if the likes of Stobbarts and Wincanton were to take over the remains of our struggling transport industry would that not equate to a level playing field of sorts ensuring cowboy slavedrivers would be consigned to oblivion and they could then pay the type of wages appropriate for the ridiculous hours we have to work?

In an ideal world that would work but there’s as much chance that those companies would lower the wages even more, knowing that there’s no other well-paid jobs to go to. :frowning:

Economics is not my speciality to say the least but if the likes of Stobbarts and Wincanton were to take over the remains of our struggling transport industry would that not equate to a level playing field of sorts ensuring cowboy slavedrivers would be consigned to oblivion and they could then pay the type of wages appropriate for the ridiculous hours we have to work?

How do you define ‘slave drivers’ , i know of two guys very recently disciplined by Wincantons for failing to work more than the 10 plus hours they had already done that day and one driver disciplined (again by Wincantons)for not doing more work who had actually done a 14 3/4 hour day?

I think the Ethiopeans will be having a whip round.
Nigerian celebreties will be adobting a cute white baby.

Sounds like we are talking ourselves further into the black hole…We do need to get out of it, but I think we do need to take very small steps.
I don’t have a clue what to do to get us out of this mess, but what I do know is that the chin less wonders down in london need to pull there finger out to help get us out of this mess!!!

if they didn’t bail out the banks, then they could have saved the ecconomy.
the government could have given every british citizen £3000. some would have put it in the bank, so that’s the banks sorted, some would have drunk it, so that’s the pubs happy, some would spend it, so that’s the shops happy. some would invest it, they would make more money, which they would eventually spend.
and of course, trucks will be required to stock up the shops and pubs. so that’s the haulage industry happy.

As well as VAT being reinstated at its previous rate, another tax, in the form of stamp duty on house purchases comes back into effect today.
that should help the home sales market…not!

its simple, i didnt like it when they bailed out the banks but without banks where would we all be, how would you get a mortgage, and what about a loan for when your car dies and you cant get to work to earn money for food.

the easiest answer is if you are an immigrant, you get nothing, nada, zilch, zip, ■■■■ all. you earn it and pay taxes, if you come across and claim asylum, you are held in a secure centre until your process is complete, if you are succesful you are released and get ■■■■ all until you start to earn. if its refused your put on the next flight out of there back to your homeland. if you dont like it, dont come here. its our country and people have fought and died for it so dont come here preaching at us that we offend you, if you dont like dont try to get in, if you dont like our system ■■■■ off, stay in your own country where you were obviously so happy that you decided to leave.

if all scroungers were told to get off thier arses and work or there will be no dole it would save millions (if not billions) a month. that would get the country moving again and send a message to the world. and none of this namby pamby oh he has had a hrd life thats why he mugged that old lady. ■■■■ em, hang them or stick them in 8ft by 6ft rooms 23 hours a day, they will think twice before doing it then. and as for thier human rights, they lose all that as soon as they trespass on someones property or violate anybody.

get labour out and lets try somebody new, i dont know who but someone, just look at the state of the country after over a decade of labour rule.

britain should stop being so ■■■■■■■ soft and get a grip. :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

rant over…as you were people

Labour will go down in history as the government that finished the UK and in particular the English,look what we have had fish,coal,oil, gas we had most productive farmers and we did have best private pensions in Europe until Gordon came along.

Labour will go down in history as the government that finished the UK and in particular the English,look what we have had fish,coal,oil, gas we had most productive farmers and we did have best private pensions in Europe until Gordon came along.

maggie thatcher put an end to all that. labour just added to it.
they are all the same.
i think the only ones that havn’t had a crack at [zb]ing great britain are the communists.

That is the problem we dont have anyone to vote for they are all the same, I would like to see a load of Independents get the vote so as to get rid of the gravey train brigade

Well this post is pretty depressing considering my driving contract has just ended :cry:

Moving to Northampton, the South West has been a grave yard for work over the past year so hoping like hell I can get sorted out up there.

At the end of the day we are all powerless. All you or I can do is put up and shut up, or leave the country because no matter who gets in to power, life is about to get far harder. Forget income tax, it’s not too popular to play with that, but we will be hit the hardest on national insurance, fuel and so-called environmental taxes.

Over the last few years, people have become far more diverse in the jobs they are willing to do to make ends meet. Lorry licenses are easy to get, drivers don’t mind working the minimum wage making up their hours in the factories etc… The Weatherspoons pub down the road is paying more for bar staff than my old employer is now paying for Class 1 ADR - crazy but true.

The less of us able to make ends meet, the more that will be turning to Jobseekers and Incapacity benefits, having their rent and council tax paid by the state and applying for IVA’s and bankruptcy. I cannot blame anyone for this because I myself was once £20k in debt, not through spending too much, but through not earning enough to support my wife, daughter and home, a cycle which I fear is about to start all over. If I am better off living on the state then so be it, but I certainly hope not.

The more desperate the workers become, the more liberties the employers will take with wages and working conditions. Of course agencies will do okay but these offer no security for anyone.

I think we are in a bit of trouble here. I’ve got no answers but it’s frightening the hell out of me.

if they didn’t bail out the banks, then they could have saved the ecconomy.
the government could have given every british citizen £3000. some would have put it in the bank, so that’s the banks sorted, some would have drunk it, so that’s the pubs happy, some would spend it, so that’s the shops happy. some would invest it, they would make more money, which they would eventually spend.
and of course, trucks will be required to stock up the shops and pubs. so that’s the haulage industry happy.

Do you know, I actually think this makes more sense than I’ve heard from any banker or Government puppet!!

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: