
Rob K:
the majority seem to be classing themselves in the screw-driver bracket, ie. “do the job as quick as I can then [zb] off home”. Whilst you may argue that you conduct your driving professionally I fail to see how you can when you adopt that attitude.

Perhaps this is why there are so many “idiots” on the roads nowadays? Courtesy and consideration for your fellow road users appears to have gone west judging by the replies and you’ve taken the ‘me me me’ attitiude.

Perhaps if you can’t drive with professionalism[/b] then you should get the [zb] off the road and get a job in another trade, like warehouseman. :unamused:
So what you are saying here rob is unless i call myself a professional driver then i am a screwdriver :unamused: :unamused: why :question: