No point speeding in Scotland because north of Perth the Scottish police really don’t have anything better to do.
. Even if I got a log wagon wanting to get passed me as long I’m doing up to the speed limit he will have to wait. My licence not his.Or you could just nip in to the next lay by, or even pull in slightly on a wide safe bit to let him pass.
(Always assuming he ain’t trying to intimidate or bully you, in which case you’re right…[zb] him )
Why does it bother you ffs if HE is in a bit of a hurry?We all know some of those roads in Scotland do not justify 40mph, …and whether it’s illegal or not it ain’t really your concern or problem is it?
I’ve never been one for being a ‘‘self satisfied/safe in the knowledge I’m right’’ sort of a [zb] on the road, life’s to bloody short to bother your arse about stuff that don’t concern you.
Are you one of those self appointed ‘‘traffic Marshall’s’’ who block the outside lane 800 yds before approaching the merge in turn signs by any chance?
Nope I don’t do that. Really ■■■■■■ me off when drivers do.
All I’m saying what I do is I won’t be bullied into pulling in as long as I’m driving up to the speed limit or as fast as is safe within that limit. If I’m purposely driving slower to waste time then I’d pull in, but NEVER be bullied in. I will NEVER give in to bullies in trucks. Bullies in trucks are just weak little men who only ever feel important in life when they are sat higher up than everyone else and driving something bigger than everyone else.
Ok fair enough, looks like we agree after all.
I’m exactly the same, I won’t be bullied or pushed by anybody, or in any life situation.
I ain’t one bit frightened or intimidated in a truck, I’ve driven them too bloody long for that.
If some ■■■■ (usually in a bad taste/ over blinged V8 or something equal ) is giving me the ‘Out my ■■■■ way’ treatment 6 inches off my back door, a quick flick on maximum exhaust brake usually cures it I have found.
I’ve never bullied anybody, but I’ve been in the ‘got to catch that boat’ situation, or get last drop off to park somewhere decent, or even just to get home after a long week, so I can empathise, so I just let them pass, and put off my heart attack for another few years.