Portsmouth to Dundee - route & time

Be nice to just get off Portsmouth, collection put back from 9 till 14.00 so sat like a lemon on this industrial estate till then !! Not sure how they still expect an AM delivery tommorow !!

Don’t worry about it mate, I’ve got to be in Scarborough by 8am tomorrow and I’ve just started an 11 hours rest sitting in my pants in Guildford.

My sat nav has 3 settings
1…fastest route
2…shortest rout (never use) :slight_smile:
3…prettiest route (my fav thats the reason i drive a truck for a living) :wink:


Be nice to just get off Portsmouth, collection put back from 9 till 14.00 so sat like a lemon on this industrial estate till then !! Not sure how they still expect an AM delivery tommorow !!

Don’t worry about it mate, I’ve got to be in Scarborough by 8am tomorrow and I’ve just started an 11 hours rest sitting in my pants in Guildford.

Lol think you might be a bit late !!

We can only do what we can do.

For all those that mentioned the M6, M74.

Don’t forget the poor auld A74(M) in the middle of those two :stuck_out_tongue: