POLL: Who do you intend to vote for?

It could be changed overnight by allowing vote transfer to any constituency of choice in a similar way that students are allowed to vote at their home address constituency or their college digs address constituency.So instead of having to waste my vote at home I could transfer it to a better Reform chance like Clacton.

That can artificially transform local politics against the wishes of the indigenous population. University towns have been known to be up in arms when mass student votes overturn a well-established local MP to be replaced by the opposition.

A General Election is for National Government seats.The resulting parliament should directly reflect the aggregate of the National vote.
This system doesn’t allow for that aggregate to be counted.Transfer of votes across constituency boundaries would reflect the aggregate vote.IE Proportional Representation.As opposed to a system in which over 3 million votes buys no MPs.

If you want to vote for the Clacton candidate move to Clacton and stop spouting rubbish-students get a choice because they ‘live’ in 2 different places(don’t agree with it by the way-home is home and that’s where you should vote). I might live in Co. Durham for 2 days and work in the City for 5 but I wouldn’t expect to vote in London even if it gave me a chance to get rid of that idiot mayor.

A form of PR is long overdue.

A form of PR is long overdue.

I think the way things are going PR should stand for Public Relations not proportional representation :thinking:

Well…maybe get rid of the current excess of PR (public relations)
whereby the parties say whatever they think the public want to hear, be it possible or not.
And instead have more PR (political reality).

Not very likely anytime soon.
Too many seem to want to vote for dreams rather than any form of reality

Too many seem to want to vote for dreams rather than any form of reality
You didn’t vote for Labour then. :grinning:

I certainly didn’t vote for that lovely dream, but politically crazy idea of Brexit.

In my constituency it is pretty much a choice of two, so I voted for the least stupid of the pair.

You talk about Constituencies but you support an idea of democracy where not only your constituency but your country can be out voted and beholding to the vote and mandate and dictat of a foreign Collective.

Without a PR electoral system and without infiltration between parties and standing on a lying manifesto, being made a criminal offence it ain’t democracy.
Democracy is an obsolete flawed ideal anyway.
It’s just dictatorship by force of numbers to the point where given enough of a majority any tin pot Communist can steal your property and redistribute it as they wish claiming a democratic mandate to do it.

Many people now accept that the “Leave” manifesto was based on falsehoods such as “£350m a week” etc. The day after the vote many previously repeating that lie disowned it.
I daresay that Johnson, Farage, etc would have been released from jail by now.
Unless you support a capital sentence for this treasonous act? :grinning:

There really is so much wrong thinking here…
I refer all to Brandolini’s Law.

Agreed. I vote for a member of parliament to represent me, my constituency and the interests of my country. I do not expect someone I haven’t elected, and who doesn’t even speak the same language as me, to overrule or dictate otherwise.

Well, I’m from Hampshire.

Why should our best interests be “overruled” by those furriners norf o’ Winchester? Why should big city types from London and Birmingham set the rules for us country folk?

The EU is, like it or lump it, our biggest and nearest trading partner. We now have less say in what rules apply to that trade than before.
Even if we were to magically be moved to a location 20 miles from the USA we would be trading with them according to their rules, not ours.

There is no such thing as 100% democracy.

Every plus has minus somewhere.
All summed up in the famously stupid words
“Brexit will be all upsides and no downsides”

I always had you down as a Jock Frangers.:flushed:

My law would be a Confederal ( as in Contrafederal ) Europe made up of sovereign nation states in which the EU parliament is just a talking shop for the exchange of ideas.
The Commission and the European courts are all obviously redundant in that.Also we don’t put ourselves into financial penury to buy EU imports of stuff we can make for ourselves and pay them massive contributions in borrowed cash and our natural resources for the privilege.
Your law is obviously more along the lines of an EUSSR run from and by Berlin and Brussels for Berlin and Brussels.

You’re right it wasn’t 350m per week our net contribution combined with our net trade deficit was actually more than that figure.
The EUSSR means oil, gas and fish and cash in exchange for German manufacturing products and rebuilding East European infrastructure and economies.
The Party that took us into that scam was never going to take us out of it.
As for the Labour the Party of Peter Shore.
Or Jim Callaghan may he rot in hell.

Changed my mind at the last minute. Voted Reform.

Here’s the latest news and progress on the General Election.

Speaking as somebody who rarely takes anything seriously, this is SO near to the real thing,.and illustrates how kin farcical the whole thing is .:joy:

Ps Pleased that pompous prick Grant Schapps has been binned, better news than Arthur Negus has held Bristols.:joy: