Political discussions...

Bad terminology on my part. I apologise.

But still nowt to do with tax.

sorry i edited my last as you posted

The black and white thing assuming it always pertains to race…

This is how these lefty inbeciles like him think…(.or choose to for effect🙄)

My Mrs who has an absolute perfect command and understanding of the English language was talking to a group of mothers waiting to pick the kids up at school.
In conversation she quite innocently and in the correct context of the phrase said someone was …the ‘BLACK sheep of a family’
One took a step back, one gave an exaggerated sharp intake of breath, the other gave her a dirty look and walked off ! :flushed:, the conversation cane to an abrupt halt making my Mrs wonder what she said wrong.

As I explained to her, this is how these type of effers have got people with their leftist propaganda…people dare not say anything tenuously linked with colour,

As I keep saying (to the horror of one or two on here, :joy: ) we need a Trump like character to banish these ■■■■ s and sort our country out once and for all as a solution to all this lefty crap.

(After me being accused of being a Nazi on here I stopped short of using the term ‘Final’ Solution.:joy::joy:) )

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Want to know how bad the use of immigrant labor has become… a local hospital to me is having a massive recruitment drive its so obvious that it has been named by the higher ups as operation ginger

I got an official warning letter from a well known internet provider that could be confused with a persons innocence. Because i told the person on the phone i wasnt pussy footing about anymore. They told me if i used disgusting and sexist language again they would terminate my contract.

incidentally separate to above as it made me roll my eyes… “g i rl on” is censored on here but pussy footing isnt

I would have challenged that to the hilt mate until I got an apology.
It is their warped mind (apart from the perceived pc crap) that was the problem in that case.
You should have played them at their own game and told them you were ‘offended’ to the point of seeking counselling.
That is the sort of thing these hand wringing snowflakes do aint it?
To pussyfoot is a recognised verb in the english language…

as well as a name for a cocktail the wife used to drink that used to embarras the hell out of me asking for at the bar.:joy:

So just a comparison of sentencing.

Hull man, 64, jailed for stealing from Lush and O2 during riot - BBC News

An opportunist nicks a few items on riot day gets banged up for 16 months.

MP Mike Amesbury MP jailed for 10 weeks for street assault - BBC News

An elected Member of Parliament assaults another individual in the street, looked pretty nasty to me & gets10 weeks imprisonment.

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And none of them are top fruit.

Is there a discrepancy in the sentencing?

At first glance there is.
How does the assault sentence compare with some who assaulted and kicked his girlfriend?
Reform UK MP was jailed for repeatedly kicking girlfriend | The Independent
21 days.

How about the theft?
Two thefts on the same night, by someone with a drug problem and a history of burglary.

Let’s hope the poor sod does get help in nick and isn’t just left to fester in a cell as some on this site would want. He is not doing well outside.

Of course help will cost a bit more than warehousing him…amy comments?

Of course the point of my post was one gets more for stealing than someone does for beating someone up, in your example as well. The fact the bloke from Hull is a druggie and has burgled before has nothing to do with the 16 months he got for nicking on riot day. Remember the narrative, far right thugs, brought in by the coach load from all over the UK and organised by some far right extremist group. That was the narrative.

Previous convictions and background certainly do have an effect on sentencing. He even got his previous suspended sentence invoked.

Yes, I do remember that.
Since he was taking advantage of civil unrest, I expect the sentence was longer than if he was alone.
The judge said as much.

Of course, if he had argued that he wanted the goods as a means of free expression, in an oppressive society that did not allow him to articulate his own political views, and his joint enterprise with rioters was justified in a democratic society, then I am sure he would have gotten away with it.

Should we have a rock concert in Hyde Park to protest about how unfair it is that a repeat burglar is getting banged up?

And another one, man taking up skirting photos avoids prison and fined instead

The druggie was jailed for 16 months for the 2 shop burglaries on riot day, he was given a suspended sentence for some other burglary. That was a completely separate issue.

Oh really? An enterprise? Also no price put on the value of any goods stollen.

A perfect example of YOUR modus operandi.

Whatever floats your boat.

:joy: So what is the relavance to Farage on this exactly?
It’s his nephew…a bit tenuous do you not think?

If it was one of his sons, maybe, but even then speaking as a father of 4 you can not be held accountable for grown up offspring…but a nephew ? Nah.

I have 6 nephews and nieces on my wife’s side, and I hardly know 4 of them, in fact 3 of those 4 I have never met when I think about it.

I would certainly be put out if one of them was a bit of a perv and my name was specificaly associated with him.

Anyhow a bit of a none event I would reckon.and I could not see Farage even caring.
Btw…do you actually think the association with Fatage was the fact that he avoided jail?
More like an association with Farage would increase his sentence.:joy:

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Pretty much how I would have replied rr.

Find your own preferred source, but an ex-member of the European Parliament has been charged with 8 charges of bribery and 1 of corruption. The alleged offences were when he was in the EU Parliament and allege he took money to speak up for Russia.

Maybe having an influential uncle living near by helped his sentence , or pay his solicitor
Or maybe another example of 2 tier sentening

And maybe not.

I agree rich people and especially politicians get their own way and get preferential treatment…another unfair fact of life that most of us reluctantly acccept…so what’s your point?

But how do ya know based on what I said Farage even got involved?
I would think he would avoid that like the plague to avoid bad pr issues.

As for 2 tier situations, is that not only relavant to those with power?
Now if it had been Farage himself with his camera stuck up someones arse, it would be a valid point.
So not sure which direction you are coming from on this tbh :thinking:

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Another example of false claims regarding previous employment by a serving Liebour Cabinet Minister (this time Johnathon Reynolds) and another serving Minister of State, (Dianne Johnson) a qualified Barrister, attempting to justify Reynolds claims and yet she doesn’t appear to know half of the facts. Class

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What a tune!