Political discussions...

they want Karen Pierce but are worriied that if they reject mandelson they will get some other labour idiot

like boris perhaps? mind you he can be a little weak kneed when dealing with idiots.

Boris? To be honest I’d settle for Dolly the cloned sheep ahead of the traitorous Commy leaning scumbag intent on destroying Britain that we currently are suffering.

Ironically the US regarding us as a hijacked far left Socialist regime, with no mandate, could be just what’s needed.Trump has 4 years at best to smash it.

Dressed in my Sunday best today lol. Seeing the lefties squirm and look of disgust on their faces is priceless :smile:

I now use the attitude of these lefty clowns as a kind of criteria, or ‘acid test’.:grin:

If they are offended, shocked outraged, or show any element of disapproval, I then know things are ok and it’s the right way to go.:joy:

Seriously ? :joy: :joy:
I’m tempted to do a Franglais here and concentrate on the news source rather than the article…yep, the BBC… nuff said .:roll_eyes:

Is there no limits to how out of touch this guy actually is on things? :flushed:
He continues to fail to ‘Read the room’ in every way, at every step…(especially so with the majority of the people he rules) and despite what is going on around him, that everybody else can see.

Is it just normal and characteristic lefty delusion, or is he prone to just sticking his fingers in his ears, and shouting at the same time to block out what is actually being said about him and his party, and what is actually going on in reality around him.

So anyway, despite all that has been reported, we can all relax, everything is fine and dandy with UK/US relations, and Trump is his new bestie…and he didnt make it to Trumps inauguration as his invite must have got lost in the post.
Unreal :joy:

he is just listening to his underlings telling him what a wonderful job he and they are doing. The man is incapable of hos own thoughts every single decision he has made has come from one of his party. Thats why like the rest of his band of imbeciles and morons he is incapable of answering beyond the standard rhetoric

two shocking stories that nobody could of predicted… oh wait we all did

Yep 2 that we know of, thousands of others we do not.
Theft, burglary, attempted child abductions, r4pe, harrasment of girls and women to name but a few, all covered up…and that is what I know of only in my own home city.

I see that unspeakable piece of sh the ‘Welsh choir boy’ :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: is now singing like a canary and pleaded guilty to ALL charges :flushed:
A stark contrast to before when he stayed dumb in his initial hearing,.refused to acknowledge the words of the Judge,.and would not even have any conversation with his representative brief.
Still no mugshot released btw…why is that exactly?

The eternal cynic in me asks myself…
Is there some sort of deal on the table here, which will include the words ‘mental health’ resulting in a cushy life in Broadmoor as opposed to a life of hell in Belmarsh ?

Is there some damage limitation excercise in the background to save embarrasment of a certain person after hearing all the rumours?

I smell a rat and it aint anything concerning a 4 legged rodent.:roll_eyes:

i agree with everything but this one

-fully reform the state, including making it clear civil servants who fail to comply with new gvt will be sacked

imagine starmer and everyone had to do what he said… it would be like it is now. all the woke wombles cow-toeing to each other

You all know that delicious feeling when the chickens come home to roost! :joy::joy:

As I said before when these type of pricks on whatever level show any disapproval on anything, that is when you know the situation is right.

There will be some large portions of Humble Pie needed from now on, but you can sure as hell bet Trump will be having none of it…he does not entertain d/heads at any level, he even makes me look tolerant.:joy:

I’ll just leave this here to make the usual ones froth at their labias

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A bloody good argument for the return of the death penalty, saving the country a fortune.

No dramas, just a swift bullet behind the ear,.and box it up, or burn it…jobs a good un.:sunglasses:

I can feel them clutching their pearls and fighting for breath in shock, as we speak.:joy:

i wouldnt waste the price of a bullet on people like that. Just throw them off a cliff let them feel the same fear their victims felt

it must of been night time when the picture was taken thats why you cant see the breacons and his face looks dark

If you’re lucky enough to have a labia to froth at :roll_eyes: