Political discussions...

If you are going to try and spin my post to suit your narrative then please include the full quote from myself for context. I am more specifically referring to the 2nd part of that sentence (which you have left out here) where I told you for the 2nd or 3rd time that I do not store quotes from 2 years ago in my memory. That does not mean it did not happen, we all know it did in the way I and others have told you.

I have included the full sentence below just to refresh your memory.

I almost feel some pity for you with the way you are fighting to the end on this one.

Another scumbag who was due for deportation but was stopped on more than one occasion.

I appreciate for a certain poster it comes from the Daily Mail so will be instantly dismissed and/or dissected to discredit it.

A thoroughly nasty person who deserves his jail sentence.

So you think that this politician should have interfered in an ongoing investigation, and interfered in a trial? That a Mayor should have the right to tell a Judge what he should/not be doing.
What a frightening point of view. And totally opposite to what you think was Starmer interfering in the riots.

A set of views and positions opposing each other and ignorant of, or against the way this country’s justice system works.

And one that we know about for a change.
The rest have chucked their IDs and passports in the channel…for some teason.:thinking:
I can’t think why all these plight ridden families would do that, given the fact they are genuine refugees seeking asylum.
Another of life’s little mysteries.

Who says they all throw any documents into the sea?

Some do that.
Some have no documents at all.
The genuine ones often leave their home countries without passports etc. The politically oppressed can’t all go to the Gov exploiting and abusing them to get official help.

Ahhhh right that explains it all then…got it.

I suppose we will just have to wait for the next r4pe or murder to ID the next one.

Much better if had taken up the French offer to set up offices on Calais beach.

A legal and accessible route into the UK for genuine applicants, and a way to fingerprints and hence identify those who try and fail to claim.
Those who do not choose to use such a safe and legal route will be easier to assume are not genuine.
One way to fight the small boat trade.

whats the point in setting up offices on the beach… they cant find them remember… it was just pure coincidence that the bbc happened to be on the right beach at the right time.

If UK offices are on Calais beach then asylum applicants can be processed there. No need for irregular entry. No need for boats and smugglers.

Those who use the offices, and fail to get asylum, and who then try irregular routes will easily be identified from fingerprints and hence quickly seen as illegal entrants.

Any migrants who avoid the safe and available UK offices will then be treated more suspiciously if they still persist in using small boat routes.

Because the genuine ones will use the facilities there will be fewer using irregular routes and needing temporary hostels.

ok lets suppose that in la la land thats true. How are the french going to find them when they cant find them now.

Dont tell me that they will self present because they can do that from any country and dont

It has been pointed out time and time again that for many that is not true.
Once again, here is MP Tim Loughton asking Braverman on the subject.

2 seconds on google and you can find out what you need to get uk citizanship from france germany spain and italy (i have just done it))

so what your saying then is that even if we had a borderforce/ processing facility on calais beach there is still no legal way for them to enter the uk. so it doesnt work does it malcom

dont tell me that they dont have family over here either as thats the lefty namby pamby excuse of how they pay for the crossing. However, i do understand its hard to keep track of all these excuses

How can anybody take him serious in the first place when he uses the official type euphamisms and jargon that he has been brainwashed into using… like ‘‘IREGULAR ENTRY’’ :joy::joy:
He’s pathetic.

The only ‘irregular entry’ that I know of is…
Nah second thoughts let’s not go there…:joy:

In the meantime let’s move away from ‘Franglais Leftylalaland’ and look at a real world solution…

(Jeez I almost said ‘Final Solution’ then, :flushed: that would have had the lefty bed wetters choking on their Lentils.:joy: )

Yeah well we are all ignorant in comparison to your fountain of knowlege guru type status on here aint we.:roll_eyes:
You really are an obtuse cretin of the highest order.
So getting back to your beloved Khan…

How is ensuring the ID of an innocent (until proven guilty) Policeman in the type of ‘sensitive’ job he was in,.and with all the potential pitfalls and repurcussions if his identity did come out…(which in fact did actually come about in the end) interfering with the system?

Better to make a special case, which I would imagine is or could be utilised by law, than risk the life of this guy and his innocent family.
I have heard of identities being kept from the public in other cases many times.

As for apologising, I meant after the event, on behalf of, and in the spirit of the enquiry.
Instead of him sat there looking like a cabbage, and waffling on, and prioritising on not offending certain ‘communities’ that he favours.

no mass deportation. just dont go out and pick the buggers up…once a few hundred have drowned even the dimest of them should realise it isnt a good idea.

if they suddenly start using more sea worthy dinghies then a frigate with the tiller point hard to starboard and engines full power will sort the issue

I see that Starmer is again in trouble in The Telegraph over gifts etc.

He has been offered a free membership of a golf club near Chequers, the PM’s country house.
He had the gall to refuse a freebie!