Police Protocol?

If its not a fatal and not very serious they are unlikely to get authorisation to analyse the phone other than a crafty look (which can give them a hint at any offences to push for but can’t be used as evidence, without the correct authority being given). And yes this happens as I’m sure you can guess.

It’s a monumental ball ache to get these authorisations in anything other than a fatal or serious non traffic incident.

Also used to be a massive waiting list to get it evidentially analysed (god knows why as not as many done as you think) and phone companies were as obstructive (probably rightfully so in some cases) as banks. I.e massively uncooperative.

As for the weight - no idea - traffic wasn’t my thing.

Will try to keep it short as cant be arsed typing. Few years ago I managed to park one on its side on top of a bus stop in Uxbridge. Long and short was my phone was taken immediately to the point to ring home I had to tell the officer the pin to turn on and the name of my partner to call from there radio. My phone was gone for two weeks and I actually had to go on 5 separate occasions to collect it, the first 4 they could not find it!! I spent 6 hours in translation bracelets in the back of an Astra until they had righted the truck and checked there was no blood and guts underneath!!! Bottom line they can do what they feel necessary at the time. 10 days later I got a letter saying no further action as blame was placed on defective road, tyre blow out, pants loading, ( not authorised to enter warehouse to check!) and shoddy maintanence by hire co! I got the letter regarding no further action faster than my phone returned. You only realise the powers that authorities have when it all goes wrong!!!

Can they prove if you were using hands free or not tho should any call logs highlight activity etc ?

I have an app which enables me dictate (albeit not always with great accuracy I digress) straight to text message if I wish, as well as obviously taking voice calls ?

Phantom Mark:
Can they prove if you were using hands free or not tho should any call logs highlight activity etc ?

I have an app which enables me dictate (albeit not always with great accuracy I digress) straight to text message if I wish, as well as obviously taking voice calls ?

Id have thought your phone might contain “residual internal logs” (sorry not IT savvy to that extent) as to what connections were active at certain times matching calls made etc I.e Bluetooth. That may be ■■■■■■■■ but a possibilty none the less.

nope they don’t have to if they don’t want, during a criminal investigation Telecom companies have to give over information to the police or would be failing to assist in the investigation of a crime, now if you are a silly boy and on phone when having a RTC, a driver deserves all that they get that’s what hands free are for, and as most drivers do on here, they ignore the phones until they have stopped.

but I am sure a driver what offer up the number number when taking your details etc, they will know exactly where the phone was used what text was sent where from etc mobile phones are a great tracking device nowadays …

If a driver was in heaps of it, I would advise to be honest if not the soap might be only way of keeping a driver from being to sore :smiley:

Dude don’t go removing my posts about the po-lice being tossers, freedom of speech & all that, FFS…

This thread is worthless without pics more info.

Last year I was involved in an accident which closed the M1 for a good few hours. A 3rd party was seriously injured but didn’t look too bad at the time. He died a week later.

After the accident I was breathalysed and the lorry, along with my tacho were confiscated for about 3 weeks. Can I point out that I did nothing wrong on this occasion and the car went into the back of me as I was travelling down the M1 minding my own business. Another drivers actions caused a car to swerve and lose control thus rear ending my trailer.

Rob K:
This thread is worthless without pics more info.

I agree, seems a pointless thread with no explanation