If you start work at 6am and finish at 9pm you have done 15 hours graft, whether you had a ■■■■, or a sleep, went shopping, changed a wheel, god forbid, did some actual driving from A to B or broke down, it is still 15 hours you should be paid for

‘Been driving since log book days’…■■?

And they only pull you up now - after how many years…■■?

Sounds like they’re up to something…

Or is there a ‘new boy’ in the office making him/herself known…■■

If its the later just use the rules to your advantage. And laugh down the phone when you trip him up

I don’t understand why so many people seem to have issues with this!!

I believe they had to bring it in once they brought in the wtd, before the wtd anyone that is paid off the tacho and all recorded breaks deducted, could have all waiting time on other work so they would get paid. But then then they’d be limited by the 48/60 limits. So they had to bring something in that allows them to be paid whilst not racking up working time.

So they brought in poa, they had to make the definition slightly different, to make it different to break! But it’s basically the same and any extra requirements are uncheckable.

I would pretty much only use it for the above reason or if by taking a full break now would mess up my day and I was bothered about my working time, then I’d use poa, yes you can do 1 min of other work every 44 mins of break to achieve the same thing, but I’d prefer to have a kip for a couple of hours or anything rather than press a button I don’t need to every 44 minutes.

Break does the same thing as regards working time, so I don’t see how poa is a con!!

Nothing to get wound up about or over think, use it for the above 2 reasons because it makes sense too, use break at all other times instead, it’s that simple

Thank you Stevie, I find your info very helpful.

I always struggled with the concept of POA but was pretty dam sure the regulators didn’t introduce it just to add a wasteless layer of admin to our lives.

After various explanations and discussions I suspected it was something to do with unions and pay rates in Germany or something like that.

I think I had a grasp of it before but over time and a principle of not using it the whole thing went real fuzzy again in my mind.

You have now joined up all the dots for me thank you.

The forums layers were very impressive but nonsensical or way over my head or both but you I can easily understand thanks.