POA, working time and brakes


If I start at 0600, drive for one hour till 0700 and then take 5 hours POA till 1200.
Rules on drivers’ hours are:
— Mobile workers must not work more than 6 consecutive hours without taking a break. — If your working hours total between 6 and 9 hours, working time should be interrupted by a break or breaks totalling at least 30 minutes.
— If your working hours total more than 9 hours, working time should be interrupted by a break or breaks totalling at least 45 minutes.
— Breaks should be of at least 15 minutes’ duration.

From 1200 on I’m going to do other work. Does it mean I need to take a brake of at least 15 mins before 1700.

Does POA extend 6 hours period without taking a brake?


POA doesn’t count as working time and as the EU directive states that you should not work more than 6 consecutive hours without a break I’d say that you would need to have a 15 minute break no later than 18:00 if you work past that time.

You don’t say what time you finish work but if you work more than 6 hours working time (later than 17:00 in your case) the break/breaks should total at least 30 minutes and should interrupt the working time so cannot be at the immediate start or end of the shift.

POA doesn’t count as working time and as the EU directive states that you should not work more than 6 consecutive hours without a break

7.–(1) No mobile worker shall work for more than six hours without a break.

No ‘consecutive’ there.

legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2005 … ion/7/made


If I start at 0600, drive for one hour till 0700 and then take 5 hours POA till 1200

Why would you take POA there when you could take break? As it is more than three hours it could count as part of a split daily rest meaning you could have 9 hours at the end of your shift and if you have no reduced rest periods left could mean the difference between getting home or not. At the very least it could save a reduced rest for later in the week in case you need it.


POA doesn’t count as working time and as the EU directive states that you should not work more than 6 consecutive hours without a break

7.–(1) No mobile worker shall work for more than six hours without a break.

No ‘consecutive’ there.

legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2005 … ion/7/made

I know, that’s why I made a point of saying what “the EU directive states” :wink:

True “The Road Transport (Working Time) Regulations 2005” do not say 6 consecutive hours but the “Directive 2002/15/EC” does, also VOSA’s guide “GV262” assumes the regulation means consecutive hours.



POA doesn’t count as working time and as the EU directive states that you should not work more than 6 consecutive hours without a break

7.–(1) No mobile worker shall work for more than six hours without a break.

No ‘consecutive’ there.

legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2005 … ion/7/made

I know, that’s why I made a point of saying what “the EU directive states” :wink:

I know, but you didn’t think for one minute I wouldn’t point it out did you? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:




POA doesn’t count as working time and as the EU directive states that you should not work more than 6 consecutive hours without a break

7.–(1) No mobile worker shall work for more than six hours without a break.

No ‘consecutive’ there.

legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2005 … ion/7/made

I know, that’s why I made a point of saying what “the EU directive states” :wink:

I know, but you didn’t think for one minute I wouldn’t point it out did you? :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

No :open_mouth:


Is there a limit to amount of POA in 1 week

Welcome to Trucknet-UK mac12 :wink:

Is there a limit to amount of POA in 1 week

Well I guess It’s limited by the amount of daily/weekly rest you are legally required to have, but no there’s no stipulated amount of time POA is limited to.

Is there a limit to amount of POA in 1 week

No, but the sensible maximum is 0 hours and 0 minutes. :wink:

i have been working for an agency on 1 contract for nearly two years and 1 person does 48 working hours and 36 hours POA one week then 48 working and 26 POA next.Never seems right to me.

should of put he has his breaks so would be abit less POA