Pictures of your truck.

nope wasnt me, i would of been in Polmadie Road at that time :smiley:

they do have a few units and trailers that are the same !!

i was meant to be doing my usual Trunk to Runcorn but they changed me to multi drops in Glasgow :unamused:

Welcome to my world. Multi dropping in Glasgow with a decker!:cry::mad: I take it you were in the best one of all the United Wholesale’s in Polmadie Rd?

This is what i was driving yesterday and yes im an agency driver :stuck_out_tongue:

this is what i drive until the end of the month, we got 5 white ones, and theyre getting replaced in November.

Welcome to my world. Multi dropping in Glasgow with a decker!:cry::mad: I take it you were in the best one of all the United Wholesale’s in Polmadie Rd?

Am doing all the uniteds the day currently sitting at queenslie, pass me the razor tae I cut ma wrists! They have opened a new one in Edinburgh god help us, god help us all.

Well i dont think i will be doing multi drops again for a while im back on my night trunk to Runcorn :stuck_out_tongue:

i did multi drops for years and did my fare share of RDC’s but i do prefer trunking now :smiley:

but it was fun playing guess my height with bridges in Glasgow as my trailer was 15’ 6"

i did get caught out once, i was heading along Haggs Road and there were no bridge warning signs but when i did get to a bridge it was only 15’ 3" !!..i didnt want to risk it and luckily there was enough space to turn around in !! :unamused:


Welcome to my world. Multi dropping in Glasgow with a decker!:cry::mad: I take it you were in the best one of all the United Wholesale’s in Polmadie Rd?

Am doing all the uniteds the day currently sitting at queenslie, pass me the razor tae I cut ma wrists! They have opened a new one in Edinburgh god help us, god help us all.

I had Maxwell Rd, Polmadie and Sher Bros yesterday. But it was their version of Christmas yesterday, Eed I think its called, and I’ve never seen them tip and check loads off so quick cos they were all on half days yesterday.

Well i dont think i will be doing multi drops again for a while im back on my night trunk to Runcorn :stuck_out_tongue:

i did multi drops for years and did my fare share of RDC’s but i do prefer trunking now :smiley:

but it was fun playing guess my height with bridges in Glasgow as my trailer was 15’ 6"

i did get caught out once, i was heading along Haggs Road and there were no bridge warning signs but when i did get to a bridge it was only 15’ 3" !!..i didnt want to risk it and luckily there was enough space to turn around in !! :unamused:

I deliver to Dollar Rae, just in at the bit you probably turned round. The council have only recently cut the trees back a bit on Haggs Rd. Used to be fun going down there with a decker. Bits of tree branches flying everywhere. Car drivers used to stay well back from me!:D:D:D


My ride

Is that Toolstation in Redditch mate?

Yep, sure is :slight_smile:

Yep, sure is :slight_smile:

I work for Pittaway Transport, we do a bit of work for Howard Tenens. My work is going in and out of Transmec all day and I got into Toolstation quite a bit.

I drive a navy blue MAN 4x2, it’ll always have a Transmec trailer coupled up, give us a wave if you see it :smiley:

Will do :slight_smile:

This is me for a couple of weeks

got new trailer going artic instead of 8whr , unit on way got old DAF unit for time being !!

A couple of mine. Cant remember where the top one was taken but the bottom one I do know if you want to start guessing.

Got me hired unit now for me new trailer until new new unit arrives

Playing with a flatbed for the first time.

current steed


This is me for a couple of weeks

Looking forward to you zooming past at warp speed then lol :laughing:

The monkeys:
current steed

My mate Steve is on for you lot at Exeter.

Suppose as I no longer work for Alan Knight, I should get around to posting a pic of my new weapon on here

Hey, Rikki, I just noticed I have been a member for 10 years on Friday … do I get a reward■■?