Sorry about that, sorted it!
This is mine. Needs a good clean inside and out, it’s been a bit unloved!
i did a couple of days for these a couple of years ago for a agency , real graft and i think you had to be good at counting , real graft
mate thats the real dog’s rollocks fair play to you,
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/734989_10151328628254200_1546390459_n.jpgmate thats the real dog’s rollocks fair play to you,
Lovely looking motor more pics pls
i did a couple of days for these a couple of years ago for a agency , real graft and i think you had to be good at counting , real graft
Yeah it is, but don’t think it’s any worse than multi drop. Enjoyed the first week (mostly) and it’s really good experience
i did a couple of days for these a couple of years ago for a agency , real graft and i think you had to be good at counting , real graftYeah it is, but don’t think it’s any worse than multi drop. Enjoyed the first week (mostly) and it’s really good experience
i used to wear a rubber/plastic waterproof apron like something a butcher might wear, it really help keep me dry when the tyres are full of water and wasn’t to hot like waterpfoofs can be .
i used to wear a rubber/plastic waterproof apron like something a butcher might wear, it really help keep me dry when the tyres are full of water and wasn’t to hot like waterpfoofs can be .
not a bad idea that - got a boiler suit to cover my clothes, but it’s not waterproof and I’ve got soaked a few times already!
Bees knees that mate, bet it sounds pretty good too eh?
Another couple of my drive for half a week each week. Well, sometimes this and sometimes the rigid beaver tail.
A more recent picture. I.e. taken today
bee chris:
A more recent picture. I.e. taken today
Do they go over the water still fella?
bee chris:
A more recent picture. I.e. taken todayDo they go over the water still fella?
Yes they go to germany and italy daily
bee chris:
bee chris:
A more recent picture. I.e. taken todayDo they go over the water still fella?
Yes they go to germany and italy daily
Hi do you have any other recent pics of Online Fleet to add, plus are they using cfs instead of xfs now,
cheers Alan.
bee chris:
bee chris:
A more recent picture. I.e. taken todayDo they go over the water still fella?
Yes they go to germany and italy daily
Hi do you have any other recent pics of Online Fleet to add, plus are they using cfs instead of xfs now,
cheers Alan.
That pic was taken that day, they use CF for national and XF for international and trampers
bee chris:
bee chris:
bee chris:
A more recent picture. I.e. taken todayDo they go over the water still fella?
Yes they go to germany and italy daily
Hi do you have any other recent pics of Online Fleet to add, plus are they using cfs instead of xfs now,
cheers Alan.
That pic was taken that day, they use CF for national and XF for international and trampers
See a few of their Volvo tippers across the water in northern France quite a lot !
the tippers are our mike beer depo
bonnie lass:
Its hiding again