Pictures of your truck.

Passed my test on this, but havent driven one since :cry:

I usually drive one of these utter thingsā€¦ :smiling_imp:

,A picture of my truck waiting to tip at warrington

The Beast!

DAF95XF i thought that bus said ā– ā– ā– ā–  when i first looked at it :laughing: :laughing:



used to drive this motor before ileft the company as well

seen a few of these the last few days, white an black cabs, 1 had lady danielle wrote on it, was pullin 2 20ft containers

DAF95XF i thought that bus said ā– ā– ā– ā–  when i first looked at it :laughing: :laughing:

:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:
They are load of ā– ā– ā– ā–  thoughā€¦ :imp:

this is mine !![/img]

NICE RIG :wink:

This is my old (and grubby) truck - new one is identical (except for having the smaller fuel tanks) and is just as dirty much of the time. Donā€™t get much chance to clean it on nights :blush: :blush: Usually to be seen on between M4 J49 and M42 J6 between 1800 and 0330 and not to be confused with the second trunk which looks the same but has bertie basset on the front (donā€™t ask :wink: ) and is about 3 hours behind :laughing: :laughing:

If youre in the Hub look out for BUO4 WHD JH DAVIES P120 come over and say hello


this is mine !![/img]

NICE RIG :wink:

Thats gorgeousā€¦a credit to you m8ā€¦ :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

You can see some of the trucks I have driven here

Being as Europleb has posted one of his (when we first got them too! :smiley: )

Heres one of mineā€¦ Ready to rock and roll Monday morning :sunglasses:

i know its not a truck, but its my van when i worked for johnstones paints, i kept this thing spotless event hough i was on countless amounts of building sites and country roads everyday, my cars also parked next to it :slight_smile:

ive got a thing for iveco vans, i love them but the iveco eurocargo is garbage

Gogzy that van picture of yours gave me flashbacks of when I was working for johnstones paints from the glasgow garrowhill branch, had one of them vans was ok apart from the clutch blew up on it trying get to a drop up ā– ā– ā– ā–  steep muddy hill :blush:

Good pics cheers fellas :smiley:

Heres my new one with the lights on. Theres no excuse for not seeing me.

Gogzy that van picture of yours gave me flashbacks of when I was working for johnstones paints from the glasgow garrowhill branch, had one of them vans was ok apart from the clutch blew up on it trying get to a drop up ā– ā– ā– ā–  steep muddy hill :blush:

lol well that was my second van with them, they had another van a 54 plate that just wouldnt stop breaking lol, first the camshaft stripped ocmpletly on maybury road on a friday rush hour just outside the casino at the bus stop lol 4 hours i was there. then the clutch went 3 weeks after we got it back, then more problems so they got rid of it for that

talking of garrowhill i used to dash there once a week to pick up stuff, or the falkirk branch or the fife or dundee branch to drop stuff off. they were gonna send me to aberdeen one day which i was happy about but they told me to go to dundee with it and one of the bosses would take it up.

yea some of the sites we went on were terrible, i remember having to get dragged out one site with the 360 degree digger because it was just a mudbath.and some of the sites were in awkward places, i had one on george street in edinburgh probably there 2 or 3 times a week and the loading bay was at the other end of the street and a taxi rank at the end i needed at. always a pallet of joint cement which is about a ton handbaled while trying to stop traffic wardens giving me tickets, the amount of times i had words with traffic wardens while the labourers emptied my van and signed the paper work was funny lol.

my love for the iveco vans came from that job aswell, the turning circle is great in them, i remember we hired in an LDV maxus first site i went on not event that bad yet i still managed to get stuck and it was front wheel drive which never helped.

theres a rivalry between the 2 shops in edinburgh, obviously our shop was one of the best in the group, and better than the leith shop, i was in bonnington. i never got sucked into the football rivalry tho, leith was hbs and ours was hearts lol. didnt you hate when the bonanzas came round? i think i was averaging about 20 drops a day during that week, id do my run then id get back and theres more to do lol.

heres the old banger i used to drive and when i did a drop in edinburgh zoo (you actually drove thro the zoo at like 8am)

found a pic of the first truck i ever rode in and drove

used to be a drivers mate for this company for 8 months in 2005 picking up waste meat from butchers and shops/supermarkets, all over fife and edinburgh. stinking job especially in the summer having like 8 tons of out of date meat in the back lol.

the looks we used to get from folk who would walk by holding their noses was amazing, we never smelt it even when i had to jump in the back and get a bin out lol. we even had out own pressure washer on this machine

and the amount of freebies youd get from butchers was amazing, my mum never had to buy meat froma nywhere for 8 months because id come home with a bag full of stuff every day, if your ever down stockbridge in edinburgh theres a butchers called george reyburns, the steak pies are to die for and we used to get one each every week :smiley:

also got in my first truck crash with this lot lol, that was a rude awakening lol.we managed to slice one of the hinges off the cab lol.its a ford iveco, but they replaced the cab with a seddon cab after the crash

lovely pics!

An updated pic of my truck, but attached to one of our GTR International trailers

Going to kill the person who managed to get grease on the curtain though, itā€™s even worse on the o/s