I know at one time I had 2 tachos stamped on the back, dated and signed by the dvsa man, or vosa as it was, there was no problems with the cards or vehicle, but no record of them on my
encounters` list online. My score was green for maintenance, but grey for roadside stuff saying no historic data. It had been green/green, but the last recorded roadside encounter was over 2 years pervious, so dropped to grey.
Had the stops been recorded, it would of stayed green/green.
Every stop should contribute to your score, i know one firm that memo’s its drivers to volontarily drive into a dvsa station if they ever fall into the orange or red, to get them back into the green.
I can see the logic…not sure I’d want to do it, just in case they turned up something unexpected!
It’s actually about the only way to get your score down if you are a small, low mileage operator, otherwise you will be stuck with it for years, which is especially galling when the reason it got there is somebody else’s fault…
Back to your original post, our rating has changed recently for no apparent reason, ( I am happy with it though ), so I wonder if some IT person has been doing a bit of spring cleaning at VOSA Towers in Swansea
There’s a time limit I believe manski? Maybe something is too old and therefore you’ve moved up a notch!
No it was not the time limits.
In which case, definitely the fairies at VOSA/DVSA Towers - not that I’d call them fairies to their faces