Pay withheld for getting lost?

ive had a lot of that at firms when they know your agency, simple mate if the [zb] wont help behind the desk give him keys and say your off, believe me bud i do it all the time theres tons of agencies out there i did it just last week after a 15 shift and some fool in yard wanted me to take trailor at 14and a half hours i said ha ha he said well you wont get paid for today so i took paperwork and key for filler cap locked up and hid keys, needless to say agency rang me so said if money not in bank in half hour no paperwork no keys and be the best 140 pound ive lost they paid me asap and it was a wednesday i thankyou take no crap off them bud theyre rats treat em as such or they will shaft you

Makes me wonder how we ever managed before sat navs.


Could you not have rung direct enquiries and asked for the name of the company, then rung them for address/ directions etc■■?

To simple…

Remember it’s 1943 the ■■■■ are in charge and if your hinge count is out even if it’s their fault. “BANG”. At least that’s what I’ve mostly experienced, don’t question just do or the doors over there.

On a personal note no sat nav power no go, no matter how much the old school bang on about maps. Phone the agency tell them you have sat nav only and no power, if the postcode is correct then a sat nav even with it’s faults is 9/10th there. If the postcode/address is wrong then that’s their fault.

Remember agency work is getting treated like something they stood in, more so if your “professional”, they (clients and agency) only respect shug the thug and keep stum because they might get a smack in the mouth.

Remember it’s 1943 the ■■■■ are in charge and if your hinge count is out even if it’s their fault. “BANG”. At least that’s what I’ve mostly experienced, don’t question just do or the doors over there.

On a personal note no sat nav power no go, no matter how much the old school bang on about maps. Phone the agency tell them you have sat nav only and no power, if the postcode is correct then a sat nav even with it’s faults is 9/10th there. If the postcode/address is wrong then that’s their fault.

Remember agency work is getting treated like something they stood in, more so if your “professional”, they (clients and agency) only respect shug the thug and keep stum because they might get a smack in the mouth.

Without sounding rude, if I was the agency and you told me that, you would not be employed again.

ive had a lot of that at firms when they know your agency, simple mate if the [zb] wont help behind the desk give him keys and say your off, believe me bud i do it all the time theres tons of agencies out there i did it just last week after a 15 shift and some fool in yard wanted me to take trailor at 14and a half hours i said ha ha he said well you wont get paid for today so i took paperwork and key for filler cap locked up and hid keys, needless to say agency rang me so said if money not in bank in half hour no paperwork no keys and be the best 140 pound ive lost they paid me asap and it was a wednesday i thankyou take no crap off them bud theyre rats treat em as such or they will shaft you

Nice one Iceman :wink:

Three towns with the same name? You had a 2 to 1 chance of guessing the wrong place so at that point it should have been handbrake on and ignition off until you received further information. I wouldn’t pay you 15 for the day under those circumstances.

Three towns with the same name? You had a 2 to 1 chance of guessing the wrong place so at that point it should have been handbrake on and ignition off until you received further information. I wouldn’t pay you 15 for the day under those circumstances.

That’s where the postcode and sat nav come in, this is ad hoc agency work. No aux power tells me the whole story. Forget mr employed man and boy with his maps he would probably fall out of bed and onto the right place. :wink: :laughing:


On a personal note no sat nav power no go, no matter how much the old school bang on about maps. Phone the agency tell them you have sat nav only and no power

Your principal purpose as a driver is to move goods from point A to point B. If your sat nav is not functioning then plan B is the old school map, which you can always rely on as it doesn’t need plugging in anywhere! I’ve been using sat nav myself for about 4 years now, great tool but always have my back up atlas.


Three towns with the same name? You had a 2 to 1 chance of guessing the wrong place so at that point it should have been handbrake on and ignition off until you received further information. I wouldn’t pay you 15 for the day under those circumstances.

That’s where the postcode and sat nav come in, this is ad hoc agency work. No aux power tells me the whole story. Forget mr employed man and boy with his maps he would probably fall out of bed and onto the right place. :wink: :laughing:


In an ideal world I’d have the yard tel no, transport managers name, full and correct name and address with post code of customer along with their tel no. Unfortunately, it’s not an ideal world, especially in transport! You’ll find that out when you’ve done a bit more… :wink:


On a personal note no sat nav power no go, no matter how much the old school bang on about maps. Phone the agency tell them you have sat nav only and no power

Your principal purpose as a driver is to move goods from point A to point B. If your sat nav is not functioning then plan B is the old school map, which you can always rely on as it doesn’t need plugging in anywhere! I’ve been using sat nav myself for about 4 years now, great tool but always have my back up atlas.

Looking at what the guy originally posted his world of hurt started with no aux power. He’s agency the “team” don’t give a rats. He did have maps and look where it got him.

Any time I’ve have had the pleasure of a company that run trucks (heaps) without aux it’s usually the last time I’m duped. :wink:



Three towns with the same name? You had a 2 to 1 chance of guessing the wrong place so at that point it should have been handbrake on and ignition off until you received further information. I wouldn’t pay you 15 for the day under those circumstances.

That’s where the postcode and sat nav come in, this is ad hoc agency work. No aux power tells me the whole story. Forget mr employed man and boy with his maps he would probably fall out of bed and onto the right place. :wink: :laughing:


In an ideal world I’d have the yard tel no, transport managers name, full and correct name and address with post code of customer along with their tel no. Unfortunately, it’s not an ideal world, especially in transport! You’ll find that out when you’ve done a bit more… :wink:

You think. My truck knows it’s own way and that’s my point. No maps no nav. A newby on ad hoc agency with no aux nav power = trouble, I am talking from experience.

Depends wether you want to keep working for that agency, if so chalk it up & don’t go back to that unhelpful bunch of dicks at the haulage firm.

If not, threaten to small claims court them then they’ll pay you although they may grass you to vosa for the hour over so if you’ve told them that I’d keep it in my pants if I was you. Fair play for biting the bullet & getting the job done though, I am proud like that too. Many would say just dump the wagon but I just couldn’t do that. Finding places gets easier with practice. & experience. You’re better to make absolutely sure you plan your route before you leave if you’re a newbie even if you’re half an hour later leaving as you found out you can get in to a pickle!

You had a truckers atlas & sat nav. Wasn’t your fault the power socket didn’t work. Hate all this, “You’re a driver therefore you should know where every place in the flipping country is.”

For future reference get google maps app for your smart phone, this is the best move you will ever make re: trucking.

For all those who say what did we do before sat nav & smart phones, it’s simple we got lost a lot & spent a lot of time dicking about looking for places…

For all those who say what did we do before sat nav & smart phones, it’s simple we got lost a lot & spent a lot of time dicking about looking for places…

that’s true,driving through town centres with the window down “here mate do you know where this is?”,do’nt see that so much now.


You had a truckers atlas & sat nav. Wasn’t your fault the power socket didn’t work.[/quote]
But it was his fault his common sense didn’t work… :wink:

big boots:
For all those who say what did we do before sat nav & smart phones, it’s simple we got lost a lot & spent a lot of time dicking about looking for places…

that’s true,driving through town centres with the window down “here mate do you know where this is?”,do’nt see that so much now.

And a stack of silver coins for phoning in when we found a working phone box that didn’t have number 1 or number 2 on the handset :open_mouth:

On a personal note no sat nav power no go, no matter how much the old school bang on about maps. Phone the agency tell them you have sat nav only and no power, if the postcode is correct then a sat nav even with it’s faults is 9/10th there. If the postcode/address is wrong then that’s their fault.

Remember agency work is getting treated like something they stood in, more so if your “professional”, they (clients and agency) only respect shug the thug and keep stum because they might get a smack in the mouth.

Could not agree more with Redrorry , If you need a satnav to get you there because you are not sure (and I do sometimes) there is no point in leaving the yard until you are sure that you are going where you are supposed to be going. What ever it takes to be certain where you are going is what you need to do. I know all about the pressure agencys and TMs will try on, it’s your licence, NEVER go over your hours it will never be worth it.

he had the postcode so he should have asked for print off cos
he knew he couldn’t use sat nav.
if he didn’t have an address vis a vis
company name
road name
town name
and county he should have stayed put

ps to above
numpties drove around shouting out of windows
those with half a brain bought a map

no excuse for older drivers not to have a box
of maps Philips have been knocking out county atlas’s cheap enough

Do you not feel that although the company did not sound like a helpful bunch they were paying to get a driver who knew what he was doing.
A competent driver would have done the job in less time than you took and would have cost them less in hours.

If you paid for a plumber to come to your house and he took 5 hours when a competent one would have taken 3 would you be happy to pay the full amount?

Maps beat sat nav hands down.
The only agency that ever questioned my geographical knowledge was Best Connection. None of the other agencies had it as part of any test/application process. Maybe they should as this proves sat navs have their pitfalls.