pay cut

We haven’t had a pay rise in at least the last three years from what i’ve been told and our boss is now considering changing our £7.50 an hr rate to £6.00 + a bonus of £1.50 an hr so if we F up on anything at all paperwork, delivery slot, minor bump and your weeks wage will be paid at £6.00 per hr

And apparently he’s looked into it and it’s perfectly legal as long as its labelled pay restructuring

Not to mention that our holiday money will go down as were paid a basic 40 hrs per week on holiday and you dont have to pay bonus if driver is on holiday

[zb]ing Arse :imp:

And i’d tell him where to stick his job aswell
£7.50 is bad enough without it being less.

My lot are in pay negotiations.It wants to be reasonable or i will be looking elsewhere


Just as soon as i find something better tony i will be dust

Also to add insult to injury the firm is relocating from where i run out of (Hirwaun) to Penallta Ystrad Mynach and it doesn’t look like we will recieve any compensation for over twice the distance to travel to work

As i said before [zb]ing arse :imp:

do you not find it od that these companies can find the money to pay for extra price of fuel the expense of digi tacho,s ect but can not find anything for the most important thing the driver

Also to add insult to injury the firm is relocating from where i run out of (Hirwaun) to Penallta Ystrad Mynach

"Penallta Ystrad Mynach "
sounds like it should be a town in Poland :wink: :laughing:

can i ask a silly question how come the fuel strike’s haven’t happen yet like the last time, when they were screwing us over.

can i ask a silly question how come the fuel strike’s haven’t happen yet like the last time, when they were screwing us over.

My feeling on this subject is
because the last one didnt work :imp:

Fuel still went up,
and BP etc… still made profit.

The only ones who lost out
were strikers , losing their weeks wage :frowning:

can i ask a silly question how come the fuel strike’s haven’t happen yet like the last time, when they were screwing us over.

THINK BACK what was the result of the fuel strikes when they last happened :question: :question:

And there is your answer, a double portion off diddly squat ,and the threat of having your O licence taken away.Now they would just arrest you under “anti-terrorism laws”