Past Present and in Between in Pictures (Part 1)

A Scania and fridge trailer of Joaquin y David from Alicante in Spain delivering fruit & veg
from Almeria Province to the large distribution warehouse at Martland Park, Wigan.


Yes it was the same company they had their head office in derbyshire they had barbour greens and road rollers back in the day. All the lorries in coaville had derbyshire registrations there yard was on thornborough road where a supermarket now stands . They ran exclusively out of whitwick granite where my dad was the weighbridge clerk , One unique lorry was a 1949 aec mammoth major NRA814 the only 8 wheeler on the fleet it did longer trips very little tarmac one old guy drove it for years and years . I saw it at cliff hill quarry in 1968 after parkins had packed up. In the 1950 s they had a brand new leyland comet stolen .

one old guy drove it for years and years . .

Reminds me of Ilkeston Haulage and their fleet of Mandators and Highwaymen, one of the latter I drove. They were all painted green and one old bloke had driven his from new, he taught me all the ropes including inter-connecting and disposable log sheets and long after I left and they packed up his lorry was sold, with him, to a firm in Spondon I think. Now painted black, as far as I know he, and it, stayed with them till it, and possibly him, died in harness. :slight_smile:

I notice the 4 inline trailer behind the Leyland and it reminded me of my apprentice days changing the springs. What a **** job it was to do



I see that f12 on the a14 and m6 fairly regularly.nice to see it still earning

Pete Smyth wrote; A strange looking tractor unit moving trailers about at Martland Park earlier today.
The young driver let me have a look in the cab, and I saw that it was 2 pedal automatic.
The vehicle is a Terberg, the manufacturers have a base at Warrington, but I dont know
its original origin, the name Terberg sounds a bit Austrian or German to me.

Terberg are a Dutch maker, of Benschop, Netherlands. The company started by refurbishing and selling ex US Army trucks then by the mid 60’s started producing their own axles and vehicles. They used engines and cabs from Mercedes and Volvo and DAF engines too, they are mostly known for multi axle specialist heavy vehicles from 6x4 up to 10x4 and 10x8 layouts. They now make a range of vehicles for shunting, utility and fire and rescue as well as site/heavy haul units. Here’s a typical Terberg of the 70’s quite easily mistaken for a multi wheel Volvo. Franky.


October 1975 in the yard at Milnthorpe


That’s a nice one buzzer. See it has the old Bournemouth (Hampshire) AA reg,can you make out what div of RHM it belonged to?
Never sure why Dorset had to have Bournemouth back! :smiley:

I notice the 4 inline trailer behind the Leyland and it reminded me of my apprentice days changing the springs. What a **** job it was to do

A proper apprentice job. :slight_smile:



That’s a nice one buzzer. See it has the old Bournemouth (Hampshire) AA reg,can you make out what div of RHM it belonged to?
Never sure why Dorset had to have Bournemouth back! :smiley:

“Dorset” the bottom line on the door I think reads Philips ltd if this is a clue, maybe someone remembers the first bit, Buzzer




That’s what I had! A nice light metallic goldy colour. But was I one of the top men? Probably not… But a nice car.




That’s a nice one buzzer. See it has the old Bournemouth (Hampshire) AA reg,can you make out what div of RHM it belonged to?
Never sure why Dorset had to have Bournemouth back! :smiley:

“Dorset” the bottom line on the door I think reads Philips ltd if this is a clue, maybe someone remembers the first bit, Buzzer

Rawlings, James and Phillips - part of RHM Agriculture, from Hungerford, Berkshire, I think.





That’s a nice one buzzer. See it has the old Bournemouth (Hampshire) AA reg,can you make out what div of RHM it belonged to?
Never sure why Dorset had to have Bournemouth back! :smiley:

“Dorset” the bottom line on the door I think reads Philips ltd if this is a clue, maybe someone remembers the first bit, Buzzer

Rawlings, James and Phillips - part of RHM Agriculture, from Hungerford, Berkshire, I think.

Now that rings a bell :smiley: , Buzzer

Will any of you tell more about this AEC?

Will any of you tell more about this AEC?

AEC Mogul?


