Passed the class 1

I’ll use a mirror when I deam it fit to do so.

And observe speed limits, and max weights, and drivers’ hours, and tachos and …?
This isn’t the attitude we need in the industry. Thought about flower arranging?

Peter Smythe:

I’ll use a mirror when I deam it fit to do so.

And observe speed limits, and max weights, and drivers’ hours, and tachos and …?
This isn’t the attitude we need in the industry. Thought about flower arranging?

Guess you have seen them on the road as well, take the professional out of professional driver and you are left with danger.

Maybe should but I just looked at it and never took notice of what was in it as I could do it without using the mirror and this was only to get me through my test, you don’t think I’d be as stupid as not to use it out on the road do you? An passing both tests no problem with 1 minor and then 3 is pretty good I think so I must be up to a high standard to achieve that.

passing both tests no problem with 1 minor and then 3 is pretty good I think so I must be up to a high standard to achieve that.

That is very good BUT (there’s always a ‘BUT’ :wink: ) please remember that is very good for the DSA LGV test and not for ‘real life driving’

Bet that causes some comments…

I’m just going to ■■■■ in on this, sorry but ROG, Data Academy, Peter Smythe can you all just ■■■■ off he has quite clearly stated

passing both tests no problem with 1 minor and then 3

So you guys who have been in the industry for years, and now instructors others to drive large goods vehicles have no idea, i’m surprised you even have any candidates passing. This guys could easily show you boys a thing or two as he is clearly a better driver than all of you put together, and will not be told any different, because he doesn’t need to be told any different.


The above text has been written in a sarcastic manner, I think the guys mentioned above are all smashing guys in their own ways and for their own reason. To the guy who posted, pleased can you lose some of the ‘attitude’ you’ve passed and well done for doing so, if you were that fantastic you wouldn’t have got any driving faults against your name. Also your training/learning in this industry hasn’t even begun yet, there is a signature on a members profile on here

Just because you have the license doesn’t mean can drive

I to am new to the industry, I’m proud of myself for passing both tests first time and getting my licenses but I know if I go into a job with any kind of big me attitude you’ll get quickly brought down to earth by the other drivers there. You’ve just got to keep your head down stop professing to others about how ■■■■’ing great you are and get some real life experience under your belt.

When you’ve blind side reversed into a space some people might question going into in a car/van and haven’t hit anything or anyone then you can have the big bhollocks syndrome

I’m just going to ■■■■ in on this, sorry but ROG, Data Academy, Peter Smythe can you all just [zb] off he has quite clearly stated

passing both tests no problem with 1 minor and then 3

So you guys who have been in the industry for years, and now instructors others to drive large goods vehicles have no idea, i’m surprised you even have any candidates passing. This guys could easily show you boys a thing or two as he is clearly a better driver than all of you put together, and will not be told any different, because he doesn’t need to be told any different.


The above text has been written in a sarcastic manner, I think the guys mentioned above are all smashing guys in their own ways and for their own reason. To the guy who posted, pleased can you lose some of the ‘attitude’ you’ve passed and well done for doing so, if you were that fantastic you wouldn’t have got any driving faults against your name. Also your training/learning in this industry hasn’t even begun yet, there is a signature on a members profile on here

Just because you have the license doesn’t mean can drive

I to am new to the industry, I’m proud of myself for passing both tests first time and getting my licenses but I know if I go into a job with any kind of big me attitude you’ll get quickly brought down to earth by the other drivers there. You’ve just got to keep your head down stop professing to others about how [zb]'ing great you are and get some real life experience under your belt.

When you’ve blind side reversed into a space some people might question going into in a car/van and haven’t hit anything or anyone then you can have the big bhollocks syndrome

I didn’t say any of the above, I ment I was up to a high standard for the test. I know the real learning starts now and I’m at the bottom of the ladder, my dad drove for 28 years so I know the older guys can put me to shame but people are to quick to judge and comment on things, I’d of been better not showing the video because people just look for faults or negative things to comment on.