Park up/ well ring you

It’s not so easy when you are a traffic planner though [emoji12]

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Where is this job? I might try and pass a medical and a cpc

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Dozy needs to go owner Driver and see what happens when he tries running it they same way he wants the Companies he works for to run
BUST in a 2 years

Going by what he’s put up on here I think he could easily manage that in 2 months or even a lot less … :laughing:

first week, he would run out of money for fuel…

Dozys first post title as an OD - “Who do i send my sick note too?” :open_mouth:

Years ago I was bound into Brest with an accommodation module for the French navy on a ship called the Rulewave Warrior, I was told over the radio we would have a delay of 2 to 3 days and we woiuld be put in the naval dockyard to wait. I said very good but please remember our name is not the Rainbow Warrior. Silence for a few seconds then told … go to anchor !!! Wish I’d kept me gob shut but just couldn’t resist :laughing:

Harry Monk:
It used to happen when I delivered ships’ spares. I’d be told to take a load to (say) Brest, in France. Ten minutes before I arrived, I’d get a phone call saying that the ship had had to leave on the tide, and I was to meet it in Vigo, Spain. So I’d head off to Vigo, and ten minutes before I arrived, I’d get another phone call to say that the ship had left Vigo and was on its way to Genoa, Italy. Then Athens. Etc etc etc. I’ve driven around mainland Europe for a month before chasing a ship and still ended up bringing the entire load back to the UK. :stuck_out_tongue:

Was it the month of April by any chance Harry ■■? :grimacing:



Harry Monk:
It used to happen when I delivered ships’ spares. I’d be told to take a load to (say) Brest, in France. Ten minutes before I arrived, I’d get a phone call saying that the ship had had to leave on the tide, and I was to meet it in Vigo, Spain. So I’d head off to Vigo, and ten minutes before I arrived, I’d get another phone call to say that the ship had left Vigo and was on its way to Genoa, Italy. Then Athens. Etc etc etc. I’ve driven around mainland Europe for a month before chasing a ship and still ended up bringing the entire load back to the UK. :stuck_out_tongue:

That sounds like a great job to be fair. I love bouncing round Europe not knowing what’s coming next. In contrast I’ve known so many drivers that get so incredibly stressed if they have to go a long way for a reload, even of its in direction home. ‘What a waste of diesel/ time’ etc. Who cares, as long as I get paid I’ll go anywhere for anything

Didn’t LimeyPhil have that very same attitude? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: