Owner drivers rates at the moment

Precisely. First step to being an OD is having work lined up.

Got to agree.

Work: A signed contract with guarantees of minimum income if the work goes quiet, at good rates including a sliding element joined to fuel prices, from an established company, and you’re good to go!

What rates are out there?
Often “I wouldn’t get of bed for that”, when you really need to earn at least “Hmmm, that might just work”.

I’m a bit out of touch these days with o/d stuff, but things have changed if contracts (if there are actually such a thing now) include guarantees of minimum income if work goes quiet.
In the old days you rang the local big boys up to tide you over for a couple of weeks, you did their work for a lot less rates than your own, and it was a bonus if they found you work back, (unless you had your own which I had) and you would wait 90 days until they decided to pay you.

Not a problem mate.

I don’t think times have changed much. :wink:

Look guys, I respect everyone’s opinion, but I’m not looking for advice, I’m at the stage where I’m gathering information, I’ll make my mind then, sorry for your hassle, probably firstly I should have mentioned that, but if anyone honestly have really good intentions to offer me work, please DM me

News story of an owner driver having financial pressures.

To be fair there is a lot of companies gone no doubt more to follow wether it be bad manage undercutting others just to get work.
Surley there has to come a point when there’s so much stuff to move and not enough trucks or people to move it.
If you’ve done your homework business plan are good with figures and have a good business brain I’d say it’s possibly doable but doubt you’d make a fortune doing it

Oops wrong post.

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