Overnight allowance for paking?



OK Im not going to continue with this, as obviously in your opinion you are right, and I have a different view point.

My company doesnt pay drivers for services parking, we have an continue to have drivers happy to park up at our other depots or to park on industrial estates, without damage being done to either driver or vehicle. If a driver chooses to park his vehicle on the services to take advantage of the services on offer and the meal vouchers then that is there choice, they still recieve the same £24 a night allowance.

I presume that there is no comeback on your drivers if the load/vehicle is damaged/lost due to them parking in unsavoury areas to avoid being out of pocket ■■?

Russjp, We always try and get the vehicles in to our own depots where they are safe, we will never allow a loaded vehicle to park anywhere but on one of our own sites. I have never had a vehicle done over anywhere other than on Motorway services so the instances of a driver parking in an unsavoury area has never arisen. But I guess the driver doesnt want to park himself in an unsavoury area anymore than I want him to park the vehicle there.

You should be a politician mate,you managed to respond to my question without answering it :laughing: I do share your sentiments with regards to Motorway Service Areas though,for the amounts they charge you would expect your vehicle to be secure.

Every firm I’ve ever worked for has paid me night out money with any receipts for parking, odds and sod’s added on top (light bulbs, tolls etc etc).
Generally speaking, I won’t pay to park a truck, even though it’s not my money that’s paying, out of principle. The services and facilities aren’t worth the money and are no safer than most lay-bys. I even jacked one job in 'cos the boss insisted I park in truck stops or services (insurance purposes) and that was an invasion on my 'uman rights as far as I was concerned. 99.9% of truck stops in this country will have to improve 1000% before I comply with that one.

whoever i’ve worked for has always paid for parking on top of my subsistence living allowance (overnight money).
the parking and overnight money are two different things. truckstop owners, msa owners, some rha management, some hauliers don’t realise this.
however, i’ve only parked in an msa once in the past 2 months…

why should an msa charge for parking in the first place?
i choose where to fill up with 800 litres of fuel, buy food, buy cigarettes, a paper, a magazine, pay for a shower, etc. then the scum want to charge for parking. :imp:
i wanted to make the point about the two seperate issues regarding parking and overnight money.

the most sensible thing to do is “Stop paying to park”.

I cant understand people on here saying how parking on services keeps vehicle safe… when the simple fact is it DOESNT!

At our place it has nothing to do with actual security and everything to do with making sure the insurance pays up if anything happens. Park on an industrial estate and they won’t.

lucy wrote

At our place it has nothing to do with actual security and everything to do with making sure the insurance pays up if anything happens. Park on an industrial estate and they won’t.

nail hit firmley on head. its all about insurence msa,s and most truckstops in this country are a disgrace anyway. the company i work for dont pay parking but to be fair even if they did i still wouldnt park at msa,s by choice anyway.

i can understand a truckstop chargeing for secure parking. but not “open” parking.
with secure parking, you are buying a service.